[YOUTH BANK] Vote for 63 business ideas of young people throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina!

The voting campaign is the last phase before the registration of a micro business (craft, independent entrepreneurship or commercial-agricultural farm), in which the community decides which ideas will be financed. Only those micro-businesses that meet all criteria of the campaign, and which were previously mentored by young people from the Committee for Micro-Entrepreneurship, are part of this[…]


Welcome! You are here because you are interested in how to support business ideas of young people with your voice? Very easy! Continue reading. All registered members of our lonac.pro community can give their vote to micro businesses. You can vote only once for one micro business. However, nothing prevents you from supporting several ideas of young[…]

Apply for the Regional Youth Peace Lab 2021

Stages of development This opportunity is available to those who are in one of the following stages of development. Elaboration of the Idea Area This opportunity is available to those who apply for a call from the following areas: Location All cities, SERBIA; All cities, CROATIA; All cities, MONTENEGRO; All cities, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Additional notes Applications[…]