[Plus Ultra] Be a Men’s Club

What is Budi Masko Klub? “Be a Men’s Club” from Banja Luka represents a unique community of men designed to encourage solidarity and support among its members.This club gathers high school students from Banja Luka, primarily from three schools – the School of Business Students, the Catering-Commercial-Tourism School and the Agricultural School, although there are also members […]

1,000 KM each to birth mothers for a newborn child in FBiH

At today’s session in Sarajevo, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the proposal of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, adopted the Decree on the payment of financial assistance to mothers in childbirth for a newborn child in the FBiH. This regulation regulates the procedure for paying financial assistance to mothers[…]

Coffee and Chocolate Fair

 We are proud partners of the first Coffee and Chocolate Fair, which takes place in Tuzla from May 16 to 18 at the Croatian Cultural Center in Tuzla!  Within the framework of the fair, for the first time in Tuzla,  Dean Kotiga , a prominent enigmatist, will organize as many as three general knowledge quizzes during the fair, including[…]

Media education: How to write a project and where to find support programs

Education topics for local media and journalists: Writing and applying for projects: defining the project problem, goals, activities, results, monitoring and evaluation, budgeting; Practical exercise of project proposal preparation and Review of current support programs. The training will be held in Livno, in the PTC “Forum” meeting room, on Monday, May 20, 2024. starting at 11:00 a.m.[…]

“Gastro-fest” marks the official start of the season – natural pearls and plenty of flavor for a full atmosphere

Numerous visitors to the “Gastro-fest”, which was held on the river island of Brioni near Foča, were able to get acquainted with the natural beauty and rich tourist offer of the Foča region, an integral part of which are traditional dishes, which they could try. Several Foca restaurants, associations and farmers prepared an abundance of food, the[…]

Jasmin Bešić and Jan de Jong: About previous experiences, digital nomadism and motivation

Director General of the Institute for Youth Development KULT  Jasmin Bešić  met with  Jan de Jong  from the Association of Digital Nomads in Croatia. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences and information about past and current projects they are working on, but also about the current position of young people and the state of the business sector in[…]