Win free Premium tickets for HR Week 2024!

HR Week  is not just another conference – it is a unique, interactive experience that gathers over  10,000 HR experts from all over Europe and beyond . This year, the program includes:• More than 100 lectures, panels and masterclasses.• Interactive EXPO zone – learn about the latest HR software solutions and tools that can improve your organization.• Learning Hub –[…]

The project “Our classroom – empowering women in business” begins in Tuzla

Today in Tuzla, as part of the project “Our classroom – empowering women in business,” the MI-BOSPO microcredit foundation organized an education for women called “Sales and relations with customers.” This is the first of a series of educations that will be delivered to women in business, completely free of charge, continuously until the end of this[…]

RESIDENTS PROTESTED ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS However, the Žuvela fish market received a water permit for the discharge of technological waters

Author: Kristina Perić, At the beginning of the year, the owner and user of the facility, the economic company “Žuvela-HB” doo Stolac, against which the locals protested on several occasions because of the pollution of Radimlja, but also because of the unbearable stench of fish waste that does not allow them to live in the summer[…]

The number of unemployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina has fallen

At the end of September, there were 324,712 people on the records of employment institutes and services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and compared to the previous month, the number of unemployed people was lower by 5,117 people or 1.55 percent.Of the total number of people seeking employment, 192,067 or 59.15 percent are women. Compared to the same[…]

By October 2026, it is planned to abolish the green card for travel within all countries of the CEFTA region

In relation to the recent media coverage of motor third party liability insurance (MTPL) and the green card, the CEFTA Secretariat has announced that it wants to provide the public with clear and detailed information on this topic. Namely, as they recall, the CEFTA Joint Committee adopted Recommendation 1/2024 on October 9, 2024, which proposes measures to[…]

Challenges and opportunities in the education of gifted children and young people

That there is a will to improve the education system and create better conditions for the development of talents, which is of key importance for the future of our social community, was also shown by the conference entitled “Discovering potential: Gifted children and youth”. The international conference “Discovering the potential: Gifted children and young people”, organized by[…]

Creativity in leadership

The topic of creativity in leadership  is complex, but incredibly important. In previous posts, I wrote about leadership, leaders and female leaders, as well as my experiences and the path to becoming a young leader. However,  creativity in leadership  deserves a special place because in today’s world, without innovative approaches, one cannot get far. That’s why I decided to share[…]

Protection of natural areas: Presentation of the proposal of the Law on declaring the Circle of the Mountain a protected landscape “Kruzi”

The protection of natural areas is achieved through the implementation of a series of activities aimed at preventing the degradation and destruction of nature, which is most often the result of human activity and the incompatibility of social and economic development with the available natural resources owned by the local community. The protection of the Kruzi mountain[…]