We invite you to apply for the Q sports camp, which will be held from September 24 to 27, 2020 as part of the project “Come together for higher chance of success”. Center for Youth KVART is organizing a four-day Q sports camp that will bring together 25 lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex people from Bosnia […]
See you tomorrow at 18:00 at the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the opening ceremony of the PitchWise Festival of Women’s Art and Activism. More information available at: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3555079707877124&id=282491238469337&sfnsn=mo&extid=kgJrmqd4lnEYzgVV
Do you have stage fright? Interested in how to interpret a story in an interesting way? PRONI Youth Club Mostar is organizing a two-day training “PRONI Storytelling” which is intended for young people aged 18 to 30 from Mostar. The training will consist of a theoretical and a practical part, during which young people will practice their[…]