The production of zarac cheese is passed down from generation to generation, and the locals of this area say that there is no celebration without this delicacy. Lopare Municipality has started branding the famous cheese, and the Agricultural Cooperative has been established in order to create better conditions for members and increase production. The demand for this […]
“A beautiful New Year’s story about boys and postman Ismet Jašarević from Tuzla received an epilogue. Today, our colleague Ismet visited the boys and brought them gifts“, the PE BH Post wrote. Namely, a few days ago, their employee decided to make the boys happy, boys who wrote a letter to Santa Claus. Jašarević found the letter[…]
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures) All owners of motor vehicles registered in the Republika Srpska have the right to free transportation of defective four-wheelers on roads or public areas, to the nearest safe location or auto-moto company. This is foreseen by the new law on the basics of traffic safety on the roads of Republika Srpska, which has entered[…]
Investors will be able to get all the necessary information in one place (Photo: Shutterstock) The Privatization Agency of Sarajevo Canton still has unfinished obligations and therefore cannot be shut down, and the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Economy has decided to try to ensure some kind of sustainability by adding competencies. In addition to sustainability, their goal[…]
“The city of Trebinje was nominated among the six best stories of sustainable tourist destinations with the story “Herzegovinian House”, and the best will be chosen in Berlin,” the Trebinje City Administration announced. The international jury ranked the story “Herzegovinian House” among the top six in the category of “Local Supply Chains”, with destinations from Peru, Canada,[…]
In the period from December 26 – 31, 2021 children and adults enjoyed in the Kick’s New Year’s spirit and a diverse and rich program. The children’s program attracted about 400 children who enjoyed New Year’s jewelry making workshops; learned more about winter and creating winter clothes; competed in games of precision and dexterity; danced; invited Santa[…]
For several years now, Snježana and Aleksandar Mijatović have been defying the stereotype that life in the countryside is impossible. The two of them are sending a message to both individuals and the state – it is really worth investing in the countryside. Many in Banja Luka and Lijevče polje know about this young married couple from[…]
Do buns from Kiseljak deserve to be on the UNESCO list of intangible assets? If you ask the locals of this town, they certainly think they deserve it, buns, they say, are everywhere, only in Kiseljak there are sourdough buns from Kiseljak. Due to the popularity of bread, the Kiseljak Municipality plans to launch an initiative to[…]
The reason for this column is the decision of the Government of FBiH from 21.12.2021. by which the municipality of Konjic was granted the status of a city, due to its rich cultural, historical and natural heritage. The municipality of Konjic has 54 national monuments, of which 11 are in the city (4 national monuments do not[…]