Building a strong political image and networking is the way to success in local elections

A group of young politicians, members of various parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has started their training through which they will learn, think and act for a better position of young people in our country.

Through 2024, the Institute cooperates with 18 young politicians so that they become active in advocating youth issues in the communities where they operate. The first training as part of the training also focused on preparation for the local elections in 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first intensive and interactive training module brought together young politicians, giving them the opportunity to improve their skills and acquire new knowledge that is crucial for success on the political scene.

“The UMiDp program seems to me to be a unique opportunity to adopt tools for empowering young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Developing the self-confidence and political skills needed to actively participate in social life and make decisions that affect our life and community will greatly benefit me during my political engagement. In addition, I met great young political leaders from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.” says Tarik Alić, member of NiP and city councilor in Goražde.

Through training, the Institute wants to support young politicians to build a recognizable and positive image that will enable them to stand out in local elections. Through various workshops and lectures, participants focused on personal communication skills, self-confidence in dialogue, debating and argumentation. As part of the first module, participants had the opportunity to visit the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, where they got to know the work of the expert service and the preparations for the sessions of this parliament. In the following period, the participants of the training will continue to deal with the advocacy of youth issues and the political system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the field of political image, participants will continue to research branding and strategies for a good election campaign, and how to adequately communicate with the electorate.

“This training is a real example of how young people can be provided with valuable tools for their personal and professional development. Through dynamic presentations and practical tasks, the expert lecturer managed to approach complex concepts in a simple and comprehensible way. One of the most important aspects of this training was the networking opportunity. The energy and enthusiasm that reigned among the participants was infectious, which is why I am looking forward to future modules that will, without a doubt, continue to shape positive changes in society,” says Barbara Antolovć from HDZ BiH.

UMiD for Youth Political Leaders (UMiDp) is the Institute’s program for youth political leaders from 18 to 30 years of age, who come from different political parties and different local communities. Through 15 days of training, young politicians acquire knowledge and skills that help them improve their activities, especially in the field of youth rights. During the training, they have the opportunity to theoretically and practically learn about the political system of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to improve their knowledge for active advocacy for a better position of young people. Through training, they build their political image which is different, more innovative and more acceptable to their peers.
