BELLSPIRATION CLUB – Nela Banjić: A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you please share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life?

I have learned a lot from my life experience so far. First, I learned that you can’t change people if they don’t want to. You can give your best, every atom of your energy and have maximum patience to change someone for the better, but if that person does not want to change – it is all in vain. It was hard at first to accept that, because I always wondered why someone would avoid a better version of themselves, but then I realized that everyone lives in their own reality and with their own beliefs. When I started to respect that, my life changed completely. All the strength I gave to another person to build himself/herself, I gave to myself. Even today, I have become the best version of myself, and I hope to raise that version to a greater degree every now and then. Today I can proudly say that I have adopted the phrase “you can’t change anyone, you can only change yourself”. And it really is so.

I believe that the most important thing is to move away from toxic and unnecessary relationships in order to have a peaceful, happy and successful life, as well as move away from a society in which your own growth does not happen, an environment that does not see your abilities and potentials. I think it is necessary to accept and not condemn those who do not think like us, but to strive in life to connect with people who have similar views of the world like us. It is important to forgive, so that we can move on, and not stay in one place, having the energy of the victim. My most important four principles for a peaceful, happy, and successful life are the following: 1) Always have a nice opinion of yourself (being careful not to let the ego overwhelm us). 2) Do not take anything personal (to understand that everyone starts from himself/herself and his/her current inner state and that the principle of mirrors is often present). 3) Not to assume (we should avoid assumptions because they are not facts. Our brain tends to make negative judgments and assumptions. Our thoughts then spin in a circle and we cannot realistically look at the situation). 4) Apply these four principles as much as possible in everyday life.

2) What is your inspirational message for all of us?

My inspirational message for would be, “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” In my life, I try to be both the first and the second candle. To transfer my knowledge, but at the same time to learn from others. It is my balance and motive in life, both privately and in business.

3) The Bellspiration Club completes the third month of its existence. What do you think of this club after a month of promotion? What do you think about Bellspiration in general and its goal of promoting work of young people?

I respect what Bellspiration is. Bellspiration was the first to give me the opportunity to have my texts published. I am grateful that we are still in touch and that we continue to work together. I met new young people and found out more about their experiences through Bellspiration. In Bellspiration you will find many different topics, but each conclusion is almost the same: love what you do.

Bellspiration for me is a language of love and unity.

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