BELLSPIRATION CLUB – Joana Freitas, Portugal: Reach out to people even if it feels scary! (Part 4/4)

1) Can you share with us what you have learned from your life experience so far, and what you consider very important for a peaceful, happy and successful life?

There are many important things I carry with me but it all boils down to self-care, acceptance (of yourself and others), gratitude, and allowing yourself to be different.

If I had to create a list of lessons or advice to myself, I think it would be this:

  • Respect your own timing and allow yourself to fully live whatever phase/age you are going through, don’t skip it because you were too worried about the past or the future, or else you might find yourself missing out on your own life;
  • Remember that feelings are always valid but also temporary, allow yourself to feel them but make sure to let go too, so new ones can take over;
  • Take the time to notice the good and joyful things around you and about yourself – yes, you are worth noticing too;
  • Rest, stop and do nothing – those are also necessary;
  • Accept that we all have a different rhythm and sometimes being there for someone is simply holding space;
  • Don’t expect for someone or something to be everything for you – having different people, activities, places in your life will be your source of inspiration and self-discovery; 
  • Make sure you also listen to others and give room to them, even when you have a lot to say. You should always use your voice to stand for what you believe, but keep in mind that silence is also sound;
  • Hold on to what feels right to you but be open to new perspectives because sharing and cooperating is the best way to keep growing;
  • Don’t ever assume someone knows exactly what you feel, ask for help if you need it, express love/joy/sadness if you feel it, share your concerns to avoid problems/loss over misunderstandings;
  • Just like you can’t always define exactly what is going on inside you, others might not know how they feel either so don’t blame them/yourself for it;
  • Reach out to people even if it feels scary because the lonelier you feel, the harder it will be to meet new people, but no one is an island, we all need captivating people around us;
  • Ask questions or express views about things that make you curious/interest you, often the other person is more than happy to help you or exchange ideas, and a simple conversation can enlarge your professional/personal perspectives.

2) What is your inspirational message for all of us?

I will share the same I give my students when they are facing a new opportunity. Look at it clearly and ask yourself “why not?”. If your wellbeing is not at risk and you cannot find a damn good excuse to stay still, go for it. 

You’re scared? Prepare for the worst and have plans for it to shut up fears, but expect the best so excitement and motivation don’t get lost in the way. 

Worst case scenario, you won’t enjoy it… but you will learn that is something you are not interested in and come out of it with new stories to share!

3) The Bellspiration Club is ending the fourth month of its work. What do you think of this club after a month of promotion? What do you think about Bellspiration in general and its goal of promoting the work and deeds of young people?

I think Bellspiration Club and the whole blog is a beautiful place because it puts young people in touch with others that might inspire them but also creates room for each of the people being interviewed to acknowledge their own worth. It was a great opportunity for me to force myself to find the time to do something I love and often overlook, write,  and reflect on my journey, which was particularly relevant at this moment when I am going through a lot of change. 

The blog owner, Belma, is a kind, sweet and strong woman that has set herself a really important goal because the power of youth should never be overlooked, or the importance of sharing and caring for each other. Congratulations on creating such an active and honest platform!


Previous parts of Joana’s interview:

Interview PART 1/4:
Interview PART 2/4:
Interview PART 3/4:


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