Center for Civic Cooperation: Public invitation to trade unions for the implementation of educational activities for trustees and trade union members

Together for labor rights The Center for Civil Cooperation (CGS), Livno, implements the project “Together for Workers’ Rights” and invites interested members of the Coalition for Better Protection of Workers’ Rights, trade union organizations from Cantons 1, 7, 8 and 10 / Counties of Una-Sanska, Herzegovina-Neretva , Western Herzegovina and Herceg-Bosnia, to submit an application for the […]

UNIBL: The Academic Theater Festival in Banja Luka begins

The third Academic Theater Festival organized by the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka and the Center for Visual Arts will begin on June 27, 2024. in the newly opened Student Cultural Center in the University City. The festival will last until Sunday, June 30, writes  RTRS . Festival producer Sonja Đurić stated that PAF has[…]

STEM Youth Camp – sign up!

Have you always been fascinated by the world of science? Do STEM experiments spark your curiosity? Five days of socializing with peers from all over BiH through workshops, quizzes and social games sounds like a perfect plan for the summer? If the answer is YES, apply to Stem Youth Camp 2024,  organized by  the Association for the Advancement of[…]

Presented ESG guide for businessmen from Bosnia and Herzegovina

ProCredit Bank  and TANA 21 presented Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first ESG Guide for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). It is a comprehensive manual whose main purpose is to help companies, as well as the general public, to use terms correctly and incorporate ESG guidelines into operations and reporting. ESG is an acronym for the word “Environmental, Social[…]

A new strategy towards the youth of the Municipality of Ilidža – through the institutional cooperation of the government and the youth towards development through the realization of jointly defined development interests

The municipality of Ilidža is an example of a community that continues to take care of its young people, and shows its commitment to issues of importance to young people through constant work on the development of strategic documents. Strategies towards young people, following the guidelines and practice of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, make it easier[…]

Vrtaljica Nature Park in Konjic received a plaque with the signatures of the ambassadors of the EU countries in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Johann Sattler, and the Mayor of Konjic, Osman Ćatić, on Friday unveiled a plaque in the Vrtaljica Nature Park with the signatures of all ambassadors who attended the EU flag raising ceremony and the opening of the Vrtaljica viewpoint on May 7 in[…]

Call for applications to SHL’s Move On Seminar

If all of this applies to you, then you’re in the right place and here’s what you need to do! The first step is to think  about the things/phenomena that you don’t like in your city,  especially those that affect young people… Get  to know those phenomena  and come up with some cool and  creative way to change some of it.. .Lead make[…]