If your trip this summer takes you to Lake Prokoški near Fojnica, a natural gem at 1,636 meters above sea level, in the heart of the Vranica mountain, you might stop by Amra Kajmak Zuk.
This Saraj woman, an economic technician by profession, has replaced the hustle and bustle of the city, the stress and hustle and bustle of modern life with an air spa in Vranica.
Guests from Taiwan, from all over Europe
Together with her husband Namira, Amra seriously ventured into the tourist waters of Lake Prokoški, where last year she arranged apartments that would not be ashamed of even far more serious catering facilities in the country.
The hospitality of Amra and Namir spread beyond the borders of our country, so guests from Taiwan, who visited Prokoški Lake last summer, returned this year as well.
In addition to them, Amra hosted tourists from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, America, Germany, the whole of Europe… and, she says, our Bosnians and Herzegovinans also come.

How could it not be when Amra prepares Bosnian specialties that are impeccable, especially pies under the sach, among which, of course, burek is the leading one, which is why many return to Vranica.
She reveals to us how she makes the real Bosnian burek, in which only meat and a few onions are used, and the spices are oil, pepper and salt.
But the curiosity when making her burek is that while rolling out the noodles, Amra sings, and not just anything, but sevdalinka, and the guests can watch, listen and enjoy it all.
“If I were a bird and had wings, I would fly over the whole of Bosnia…” Amra sings as she rolls noodles with a wooden rolling pin at the table.
– I start the song, and the guests often join me. Foreigners are interested in how the jufka is made, and the hostess also sings. I have to brag that I taught a few Sevdalinka some. They went home from Prokoški jezera singing – says Amr with a smile.
She says that she loves what she does, that she did not regret leaving Sarajevo, even though working on the mountain is not at all easy.
– By nature, I bring soul and joy to everything I do. My guests notice and appreciate that. People come to rest, enjoy, see and experience something new, and my husband and I try to make it possible for them. We do everything to make them feel at home.
Picking mushrooms, blueberries, swimming in the lake
Trying Bosnian specialties and listening to sevdalinka is not all that this married couple has to offer. When they rest and have lunch, Amra and Namir take their guests on a tour of the surrounding glades, picking mushrooms and blueberries, and those who are bravest stop and bathe in the icy water of the Prokoški lake.

– People don’t come to Prokoško Lake just to try burek, you have to dedicate yourself to them, and when you are dedicated to your work, then you succeed. Many come for hiking (slow climbing), mountain climbing and you need to guide them to the area they came to, whether they should be careful or not to avoid unwanted situations. Nature is beautiful, but you need to know how to behave in the mountains so that your stay remains a pleasant memory – says Amra.
The only drawback of this beautiful landscape is the road communication, and one part of it from Fojnica to Lake Prokoški. In that direction, there is a macadam road about 16 kilometers long.
– It’s a bit inconvenient, but anyone driving their car a little more carefully can get there without any problems. Of course, we would all like that part of the road to be asphalted, but maybe this time those whose job it is will hear us and do something – says Amra Zuka Kajmak.
Source: faktor.ba