Članice Zelene mreže BiH obilježavaju Dan planete Zemlje 2022 akcijama čišćenja i pošumljavanja u sedam (7) gradova

U periodu od 20.4. do 23.4.2022. godine, članice Zelene mreže, u partnerstvu sa i uz financijsku podršku Razvojnog programa Ujedinjenih nacija u Bosni i Hercegovini (UNDP BiH) i Ambasade Italije u Sarajevu, obilježit će Dan planete Zemlje na sedam lokacija širom Bosne i Hercegovine. Više od 350 madih sudjelovat će na akcijama čišćenja i pošumljavanja u Bijeljini, Kladnju, Bihaću, Čitluku, Mostaru, Konjicu i Varešu.

Dan planeta Zemlje postao je velika prilika za prikazivanje i poticanje angažmana i mobilizacije civilnog društva oko zaštite naše planete. Ove godine, mladi aktivisti iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, okupljeni u inicijativu Zelena mreža BiH, će se, tokom kampanje, angažirati u očuvanju okoliša i zaštiti prirode akcijama čišćenja i sadnje drveća.

Veleposlanik  Republike Italije u BiH, NJ.E. Marco Di Ruzza, izražavajući podršku ovim akcijama, naglašava: „Veleposlanstvo Republike Italije drugu godinu zaredom obilježava Dan planete Zemlje s više od 350 mladih volontera i ekoloških aktivista iz svih dijelova Bosne i Hercegovine, zahvaljujući našem partnerstvu s Programom Ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj i suradnji s talijanskim nevladinim organizacijama, kao što su CISP i lokalne organizacije. Ovu inicijativu promovirali smo prošle godine u okviru talijanskog supredsjedanja COP26 i ovu grupu predanih i strastvenih prijatelja nazvali “Zelena mreža”, kako bismo istaknuli namjeru izgradnje i jačanja mreže mladih predanih ljudi u cijeloj zemlji. Entuzijazam, predanost i energija kojoj svjedočimo, razlozi su koji su nas potakli da nastavimo i osnažimo ovaj projekt. Kroz ovaj projekt Italija također namjerava promicati razmjenu i unutarnju mobilnost skupina mladih ljudi iz različitih zajednica unutar zemlje.”

UNDP BiH ostaje posvećen podršci zaštiti okoliša kao sastavnoj komponenti našeg programiranja, kao i promoviranju snažnijeg angažmana mladih ljudi u zaštiti okoliša i adresiranju problema klimatskih promjena. Uključivanje mladih iz različitih zajednica u dijalog i njihovo zajedničko djelovanje, ključno je za stabilnu, mirnu i prosperitetnu budućnost u BiH.

Klimatske promjene sa kojima smo svi sada suočeni zahtijevaju da bez daljeg odlaganja svi radimo ka istom cilju: očuvanju planeta. Posebno je ohrabrujuće i nadahnjujuće vidjeti da mladi aktivisti Zelene mreže diljem Bosne i Hercegovine organiziraju niz akcija za suzbijanje posljedica klimatskih promjena na njihovoj razini i tamo gdje se nalaze” izjavio je, povodom obilježavanja ovog dana, zamjenik rezidentne predstavnice UNDP-a u BiH, g. Stephen Kinloch Pichat.

Jedan od organizatora akcije u Bihaću, Emir Delić iz Centra za održivi razvoj je također poručio: „Posebno smo ponosni i zadovoljstvo nam je što će uz pomoć volontera-učenika Osnovne škole „Harmani II” i Zelene mreže BiH, školsko dvorište biti uređeno i ukrašeno brojnim ukrasnim sadnicama drveća. Drveće je najučinkovitiji i najprirodni način uklanjanja štetnog ugljikovog dioksida iz atmosfere, jednog od glavnih uzroka klimatskih promjena. Drveće djeluje kao odličan biološki filter rutinski odstranjujući svake godine stotine tona štetnih, zagađenih čestica koje udišemo svakog dana. Zagađenje zraka među glavnim je razlozima porasta astme i drugih respiratornih bolesti kod ljudi diljem planeta! Drveće, iako pridonosi čistoći zraka i kvaliteti tla na kojem raste, služi kao zaklon i dom pticama, vjevericama i mnogim kukcima. Drveće je i najbolji simbol onoga što mi, mladi, želimo poručiti svima: da trebamo čuvati našu planetu Zemlju, jer je to naš zajednički dom, bez obzira kojim jezikom govorimo i gdje se nalazimo na planeti.”

Zelena mreža, koja za sada okuplja 22 udružena civilnog društva, dvije (2) neformalne grupe i 11 pojedinaca, ima za cilj potaknuti aktivizam i povezivanje mladih ljudi iz različitih zajednica oko pitanja vezanih za očuvanje okoliša i zaštitu prirode. Kroz svoj angažman u tim aktivnostima mladi ljudi iz Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuju da imaju jednake želje kada su kvalitet života i zdravlje u pitanju, a okupljeni u Zelenu mrežu rade na smanjenju negativnih uticaja klimatskih promjena na iste.

#zelenamreza #LetitBiH #italyinbih #undpbih #savetheplanet #earthday🌎 #earthday2022 #happyearthday

@zelenamrezabih @ItalyinBiH @UNDPBiH


Members of Zelena mreža BiH are marking Earth Day 2022 with cleaning and afforestation activities in seven (7) cities

During the period 20 April to 23 April2022, on the occasion of Earth Day,  more than 350 young people of the Zelena mreža will take part in cleaning and afforestation actions in Bijeljina, Kladanj, Bihać, Čitluk, Mostar, Konjic and Vareš , in partnership with and with the financial support of the United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH) and the Italian Embassy in Sarajevo.

Earth Day has become a major opportunity to showcase and encourage the engagement and mobilization of civil society worldwide to protect our planet. This year, during the campaign, young activists from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered around Zelena mreža BiH, engage in environmental and nature protection through cleaning up and tree planting activities

The Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to BiH, H.E. Marco Di Ruzza, expressing support for these actions, emphasizing that “For the second year in a row, the Italian Embassy is celebrating the Earth Day with more than 300 young volunteers and environmental activists from all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thanks to our partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and the cooperation established with Italian NGOs such as CISP and local organizations. We promoted this initiative last year in the framework of the Italian co-chairmanship of Cop26 and called this group of dedicated and passionate friends the “Zelena mreža”, to stress the intent of building and strengthening a network of young committed people in the whole country. The enthusiasm, dedication and energy that we have been witnessing are the reasons that brought us to continue and strengthen this project. Through this project, Italy also intends to promote exchanges and internal mobility of groups of young people from different communities within the country.”

As an integral component of its  programming, and in partnership with the Government of Italy, UNDP BiH remains committed to support environmental protection, as well as to promote stronger young people's involvement in the protection of the environment and addressing climate change. Engaging youth in cross-community dialogue and actions, with young people of different backgrounds, is also essential for preparing a stable, peaceful, and prosperous future in BiH.

„The climate change we are now all facing requires that we all work towards the same goal,  the preservation of our planet, without any further delay. It is particularly encouraging and inspiring to see young activists of Zelena mreža across Bosnia and Herzegovina organize a series of actions to combat the effects of climate change at their level and where they are. While this action needs to be continued tirelessly throught the year, working together for the protection of the environment on Earth Day sends a powerful and symbolic message of urgency to everyone.” said the acting Resident Representative  of the UNDP in BiH, Mr. Stephen Kinloch Pichat.

One of the organizers of the action in Bihać, Emir Delić, from the Center for Sustainable Development, said for his part: “We are particularly proud and pleased that with the volunteer support of students of the primary school ‘Harmani II’ and the help of Zelena mreža BiH, the school yard will be refurbished and decorated with numerous decorative tree seedlings. Trees are the most effective and natural way to remove harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, one of the main causes of climate change. Trees act as an excellent biological filter, routinely removing hundreds of tons of harmful, polluted particles that we would otherwise breathe every day. Pollution of the air is among the main reasons for the increase in asthma and other respiratory diseases in people across the planet! Trees, while contributing to the purity of the air and the quality of the soil on which they grows, serve as a shelter and home to birds, squirrels and many insects. Trees are also the best symbol of what we, young people, want to say to everyone: that we need to protect our Planet Earth, because it is our common home, no matter what language we speak or where we are on the planet.”

Zelena mreža, which for now brings together 22 civil society associations, two (2) informal groups and 11 individuals, aims to encourage activism and connect young people from different communities around environmental and nature protection. Through their involvement in such activities, and jointly gathering in Zelena mreža to reduce the negative effects of climate change,  young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina show their common aspiration to better quality of life and improved health.

#zelenamreza #LetitBiH #italyinbih #undpbih #savetheplanet #earthday🌎 #earthday2022 #happyearthday

@zelenamrezabih @ItalyinBiH @UNDPBiH