Youth workers change communities through the empowerment of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Today, youth work plays a key role in the development of young people, helping them to become responsible, active and productive members of communities, and it is especially important in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where young people often face various challenges.

Recognizing the importance of youth work, a training process was started this year for professional associates for work with young people who gathered with one goal – to improve their knowledge in order to become key actors in working with young people and contribute to the development of their communities.

“The training provided me with a deeper understanding and clarity of the needs and challenges that young people face, equipped me with tools and methods for more effective work in the community. This training is an opportunity for young people to work with young people and is a channel through which I understand myself in order to encourage the empowerment of young people in my local community in the best possible way ,” says Indira Agić from the REAktiv Association from Zenica.

The training brought a new dimension to the empowerment of future professional associates for work with young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, preparing them for successful work with young people in their communities. Gathered from different regions, the participants embarked on an intensive, multi-day program, ready to acquire knowledge that will help them become real supports for young people in their communities. From the very beginning, the training was aimed at developing skills for youth work – but not in the usual way. The atmosphere was filled with creativity and mutual learning, as the participants went through practical scenarios and simulations that prepared them for the challenges on the field.

“First of all, I feel safe at this training, and that is very important to me so that I can share a part of myself with others. In addition to concrete knowledge, I also gained new friends and expanded the network of good people from different communities with whom I share a common goal and vision. I also received continuous support from the team from the Institute for Youth Development KULT, which gave me the opportunity to realize my ideas that arose during the training. I leave this training with a feeling of happiness, belonging, peace, motivation and positive thinking” , stated Arman Bešlija from the Youth Innovation Forum, Goražde.

Through the last training module, future professional associates developed their skills in several important areas, with a special emphasis on communication in work with young people, and advocacy in work with young people. Participants learned how to establish successful communication that meets the needs of young people, how to convey a message in a clear and attractive way, and how to use digital tools for the purpose of greater involvement.

The second part of the last training module focused on public advocacy. The participants learned about the basics of advocacy, developed strategies for preparing advocacy campaigns, and had the opportunity to work on practical examples. Through this training, participants were introduced to techniques that will help them be effective advocates in their communities, especially when it comes to topics relevant to young people.

In addition, the training provided insight into conceptual principles such as theory of change and preparing a logical framework for a campaign. These tools help professionals structure their activities and connect them to long-term goals, enabling them to achieve change in the community in a thoughtful and strategic way.

Remza Oeztuerk from Sanski Most, who has recently been working at the Center for Peace Building, stated:  “The training for professional associates for working with young people opened the door to a completely new world for me, which is youth work.” As someone who is new to this sector, every step I took was filled with discoveries and emotions. I learned to deal with challenges and recognize the opportunities that this vocation brings, and each new knowledge further broadened my horizons. Thanks to the Institute and the wonderful trainers we had during the training, I gained knowledge that awakened in me a passion for working with young people and developed my emotional intelligence. I felt a deep connection with others, realizing how important it is to support and create positive change in the community. These experiences have left an indelible mark and I believe they will shape my life path in ways I have yet to discover.”

Upon completion of this training, professional associates for working with youth are ready for new challenges, enriched with skills that will enable them to be the voice of their communities and initiators of positive changes.
