Youth officers are youth advocates in local government units

The basic training of officers for youth brought together 19 officers from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina who, until the end of this calendar year, will exchange their opinions in the field of policies towards young people, work with young people, but also develop their professional and personal skills in order to be better for young people as well. more accessible employees of local self-government units or competent ministries.

The first training module was dedicated to working with young people, the role of young people in decision-making processes and legislation on youth issues. The participants of the training mapped the groups of young people with whom the institutions work, analyzed where young people gather and how to motivate young people for active participation in society.

“Exchanging experiences and good practices with colleagues broadened my perspective on the challenges and needs of young people throughout the country. The first training module enabled us to better understand the legal frameworks and policies that are created for young people, motivating us to become better and more vocal advocates of the rights and needs of young people. In addition to professional development, the training enabled me to learn about the space for creative and innovative action in my further work, which is of particular importance to me because I myself am a young person who wants to contribute to the position of my peers, but in a way that is understandable and accessible to young people today. The great trainers we worked with provided us with many tools and mechanisms that will already make it easier for us to take the first further steps in our work with young people in local communities, and I am especially looking forward to networking with other colleagues and potential joint action in the field of youth ,” she said. is Ivana Kovačević, Municipality of Teslić.

In addition to the theoretical part of the training, the module also offered participants practical application through a series of techniques that they can include in their daily work with youth organizations, but also in other fields of work with young people. Special attention is paid to understanding the motivation of young people and their participation in the decision-making process, and how to involve young people in the creation of strategic documents.

The participants dealt with the basics of policies towards young people and European programs and strategies towards young people. They also had the opportunity to hear examples of good practice in working with young people and the smaller community through a conversation with the youth officer of the Municipality of Ilijaš. One of the basic messages of this conversation is the necessity for the official to be approachable and available to young people, and that it is necessary for him to be in the field with young people.

“First of all, I would like to praise the organization and content of the training, and special praise to the lecturers who, with their way of imparting knowledge, made me personally even more interested in how the local community through governing bodies can animate young people to improve their position and take on a more important role in decision-making processes. This kind of professional and mentoring support provided by the Institute through this training is exactly what youth officers need, in order to receive confirmation of what they are doing well and to receive new information and additional motivation to be even better in their work” , stated Ahmet Kešetović, City Tuzla.

For many years, the KULT Institute for Youth Development has been organizing and implementing training programs for youth officials and certification of officials who work with young people in city, municipal/municipal and cantonal authorities. The training program consists of 120 working hours, divided into five mandatory modules that will be held in the period from June to December 2024 in different cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Awarding of certificates to successful participants will take place in December this year.
