We need a European city of sports for 2025.

Last night, more than 750 athletes from Trebinje symbolically celebrated the declaration of Trebinje as the European City of Sports for 2025 from the stadium in Police.

The athletes formed the words “European City of Sports” and then released balloons in the colors of the Serbian tricolor.

Under the guidance of the coach, the athletes celebrated the great recognition for this city, which was awarded by the organization ACES Europe.

The mayor of Trebinje, Mirko Ćurić, congratulated all athletes and sports workers on this great recognition.

– The ACES commission stayed in Trebinje and during that stay it visited the most important facilities of the sports infrastructure, some sports clubs and got acquainted with the details related to the tradition and development of sports in Trebinje – stated Ćurić, it was announced on the city’s website.

He said that they should be proud of everything they have and have achieved in sports.

– With this recognition, we received international recognition for all our efforts that we invested in the development of sports – said Ćurić.

He thanked all the sports teams, coaches and children who were part of this event, with special thanks to the Leotar Sports Association.

Source: ba.ekapija.com