Through presentations of positive stories, young people promoted messages of peace and unity in Livno

Every day we witness that throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina there are many positive stories about building peace, tolerance, coexistence and togetherness of the people who live in these areas. In this wave of positive, humane and human stories, young people from Livno also participate, through numerous social actions and projects with the aim of improving the local community.

Livanja secondary schools and their students through active participation in the project “Improving social cohesion through cooperation in the field of providing local services in Bosnia and Herzegovina” sent messages of togetherness and solidarity.

The work of Livno high school students is not only reflected in participation in humanitarian actions and support for people in need, but also in the promotion of social culture among citizens. Young people contribute to a better community life every day through various activities and through projects that inspire and motivate people to make a lasting contribution to building peace.

After the workshops with high school students, we also talked to the principals of the three high schools that are included in the project, and we discovered how much of a positive impact this program had on their community.

The director of the Middle School of Economics in Livno, Miroslav Ćurić, told us that: “Through the curricula and regular classes, we don’t really have the opportunity to deal with such topics very often, so these workshops and these meetings are welcome for the development of our students.” To become better people, more tolerant people, to be better people, which in the end is the common goal of all of us who participate in the upbringing and education of our young students.”

The directors emphasized the importance of continuous support for such initiatives, stressing that the results are already visible in the strengthening of mutual cooperation and connection within the community and in raising awareness of the importance of participation and joint work.

Emphasis was placed on the fact that schools will continue to support such projects in the future in order to continue working on improving social cohesion and enabling the sustainable development of local communities.

Workshop participants enthusiastically pointed out how these activities enabled them to express their opinions and ideas. Also, through various workshops and trainings, they acquired knowledge and skills that inspired them to develop new ideas for improving their schools and the local community.

“It was unexpected for me because I expected us to sit and listen, but we actually participated and it was very interesting. We were able to express our opinion and give our suggestions,” said Naida Žunić, a participant in the project and a student of the High School of Economics from Livno. 

All around us, there are wonderful stories waiting to be told and experienced. It is essential to open our heart and mind in order to notice and share them with others. In these stories, we often find inspiration, hope and love – ingredients that feed us and make life meaningful. That’s why it’s important to be open to the beauty that surrounds us and be ready to share our stories in order to encourage and motivate others to do good.

This story is part of the project “Together for a better and more tolerant community” implemented by the Center for Civic Cooperation from Livno with the aim of involving young people in social issues and promoting positive and philanthropic initiatives. The activities are organized thanks to the project “Improving social cohesion through cooperation in the field of providing local services in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, which is financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, and is carried out by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Herzegovina, on behalf of the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
