The youth strategy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will ensure better living conditions for young people

Completing the process of drafting  the first strategy towards the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina  is nearing completion. At another successfully completed meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the development of a strategy for the youth of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2024-2027. the content of the strategic document was agreed and accepted. Members of the working group made an immeasurable contribution with numerous suggestions and comments that will improve the quality of the first strategy towards young people in FBiH.

A special focus is placed on ensuring that all strategic goals and priorities planned in the document include and plan for the participation of young people in decision-making and on ensuring equal opportunities for all young people in FBiH. The hopes and expectations of all those involved in this process are that through a set of proposed priorities, measures and activities through thematic areas, chances and opportunities for young people will be improved, thereby influencing the development of better living conditions for young people in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The entire process of creating a strategy for young people is a significant step forward to regulate the systemic care of young people, and the process of creating documents in the past few months was extremely demanding and complex.

The strategy towards young people lays the foundations for future programs and activities aimed at young people, which should ultimately lead to the improvement of their position in all areas contained in the strategy. The strategy document includes a comprehensive and systematic approach to the problems and needs of young people in the Federation of BiH, which implies finding effective and feasible solutions that should improve the quality of formal and informal education, prioritize the importance of health care for young people, improve the safety of young people, offer new programs and content in the field of culture , sports, environment and tourism, and support youth activism through adequate implementation of the FBiH Youth Law.

It is important to point out that the opinions and views of young people are also part of the document, given that through the Youth and Government Dialogue, held in May, young people were given the opportunity to have their suggestions and ideas taken into account.

The holder of the strategy is the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports in partnership with the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
