The Tourist Board of HNŽ organizes a workshop within the project ‘COMMHERITOUR’

The workshop will be held on Thursday, June 13 at the Hotel Mostar, starting at 10 a.m., and statements to the media are planned from 9:45 a.m.

The Tourist Board of Herzegovina-Neretva County organizes a workshop for HNŽ stakeholders within the project “COMMHERITOUR – Community-based models for the sustainable valorization of cultural heritage crafts in order to improve the economic and tourist efficiency of remote areas of the Danube region”.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, June 13 at the Hotel Mostar, starting at 10 a.m., and statements to the media are planned from 9:45 a.m.

As announced by the Tourist Board of HNŽ, the purpose of holding the workshop is to collect information for the preparation of the Report on Valorization of Heritage of HNŽ, in which an overview and evaluation of existing models of valorization of intangible cultural heritage will be made, to find possible shortcomings in today’s practice and environment ( i.e. the ecosystem) and specify the potentials that could be developed in the next phases of the COMMHERITOUR project.

Also, the reports will specify good practices, unused potentials, challenges in maximizing added values ​​created through heritage valorization.

By the way, the COMMHERITOUR project monitors living heritage and crafts as a source of socioeconomic integration for rural and remote areas of the Danube Region (Danube Region). COMMHERITOUR aims to maximize the contribution of crafts and cultural heritage to the economy through tourism in a sustainable manner.

The project increases awareness of the inherent growth potential of craft heritage and improves the valorization of community capacities – using inclusive models and transnationally applicable solutions.

There are eight partner regions in the project that have a good tradition of heritage-based crafts with special leaders in “crafts with tourism potential”. The regions involved in the project are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Montenegro.

The transnational end product of the COMMHERITOUR project is the HeriCraft Market digital platform that will offer cross-cultural networking,

This project started in January this year and ends in June 2026. Its total value is slightly higher than 2 million euros, and the HNŽ Tourist Board participates in it with the amount of 136,804 euros. This project is supported by the Interreg Program of the Danube Region, which is co-financed by the European Union, the press release concluded.
