The international soccer tournament “Sarajevo Trophy” will gather around 3,000 children from nine countries

The international soccer tournament “Sarajevo Trophy” will be held from June 20 to 23, 2024, as part of the “Novograd Days 2024” event organized by the “Sparta Football Academy”.

The central venue of the tournament is the recently renovated Otoka Stadium, where the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo financed the installation of artificial grass and lighting, but due to the grandeur of the tournament and the great interest, the matches will be held on several other fields in the Center “Safet Zajko” and in Grbavica.

This event will bring together some of the best young footballers from Europe and the region, giving them the opportunity to compete at a high level and enjoy the hospitality of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The tournament is intended for children aged eight to fourteen, who will compete in seven separate categories. This year, “Sarajevo Trophy” will host around 3,000 children from nine countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, Albania, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The goal of the tournament is the promotion and development of football among young people, as well as highlighting the tourist and cultural sights of Sarajevo Canton. Through sports activities and competitions, the tournament contributes to cultural exchange and strengthening of friendship between participants from different countries.

In addition to exciting football matches, participants and visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a rich program that includes tourist tours, cultural events and special workshops. The tournament will award prizes for the best teams and individuals, encouraging sportsmanship and recognizing exceptional talent.

We especially highlight the awarding of the award for the best defensive player of the tournament, in memory of Faris Pendek, a former member of the “Lokom” and “Top Goal” soccer school, which preceded the formation of the “Sparta” soccer academy. Thus, the most valuable prize in the tournament, which will be awarded to only one player in the entire tournament, will bear Faris’ name.

This year, the tournament also marks the 11th anniversary of the “Sparta” Football Academy, which makes this event even more significant for all participants and organizers.

We invite all football and sports fans to come and support young footballers, enjoy top-class football and contribute to the creation of an unforgettable atmosphere.
