The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Council of Novo Sarajevo are conducting research on the needs and problems of youth in Novo Sarajevo

Today, the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Council of Novo Sarajevo signed an Agreement on Cooperation, which officially marks the beginning of cooperation on the analysis of the needs and problems of young people in the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo. The Institute and the Youth Council, as the umbrella organization of young people in Novo Sarajevo, will in the coming period conduct a survey that will cover more than 350 young people, in order to understand the needs and problems of young people. The research precedes the preparation of an analysis of the needs and problems of young people, which will be the basis for the development of the Youth Strategy of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo for the period 2022-2026. The Municipality of Novo Sarajevo initiated the development of a strategic document for young people in order to contribute to more efficient management of youth policy, recognizing the role of the Youth Council and generally involving young people in all segments of drafting the document.

The Youth Strategy is a document of government institutions with a program approach to youth activities, which includes defined problems and needs of young people, strategic directions of action and goals and measures for the implementation of the strategy. Areas of interest, which will be part of the Youth Strategy of Novo Sarajevo, concerning the position on the labor market, (self) employment and entrepreneurship of young people, education (formal and informal), social care for young people, health care for young people (preventive care, reproductive and mental health), culture and sports, activism (participation, volunteering and mobility) and youth security.