The couple Stojaković from Prijedor have been growing blueberries for 13 years – this year’s harvest is four tons

The couple Stojaković Neđo and Slavka Stojaković have been growing blueberries on their property in Gornja Lamovita in the municipality of Prijedor for thirteen years. They acquired the first seedlings in Bugojno and planted 500 seedlings. Since then, they planted 500 each year and now they have three thousand on an area of ​​seven dunums.

– Blueberry is a rather demanding plant, especially in our area. We were among the first to start cultivating it. We were interested in the plantation production of this plant and we succeeded – says Neđo Stojaković and adds that two-year-old seedlings are usually bought for planting, and if it is planned to be planted as a plantation, then the land must also be well prepared.

He explains that blueberries require acidic and loose soil. It can be planted directly in the ground, in dug holes, in banks or in larger containers. It also requires irrigation, and on the other hand, it is very resistant, it can withstand cold winter and even April frosts, which are frequent in that period.

Wife Slavka makes marmalades, liqueurs, and fruit brandies from the surplus that they don’t sell. There are no additives in the marmalade, but 100 percent pure blueberries without added sugars. He points out that he is a chef by profession, so he experiments a lot and tries out different recipes.

– I like it when the product I make is well accepted on the market. I am happy, because these are healthy products, although blueberries are best consumed fresh. It is suitable for diabetics and people suffering from high blood pressure. It can be fresh or frozen, so you can eat it during the winter – points out Slavka.

This year, the Stojakovics had a crop of four tons of blueberries. They sell it mainly on the markets of Prijedor and Banja Luka.

Blueberries are harvested from mid-June until almost the end of August, depending on the weather.

The Stojaković family are satisfied with the yields they have, but also with the quality of the blueberries they proudly offer on the market.
