The 17th edition of the May Music Festival begins in Sarajevo

Next year, in 2025, the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo, as the oldest music higher education institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will celebrate 70 years since its foundation.

In this spirit, as a prelude to the big, jubilee grand finale, the seventeenth edition of the international May Music Festival festival was conceived, which will be held as a reflection of academic and artistic work, as well as international activities of the UNSA Music Academy.

This year’s program, which will  last from May 11 to June 13 , brings 15 concerts of renowned Bosnian and international soloists and ensembles from the United States of America, Austria, Switzerland and Croatia, and will offer superb interpretations of fundamental works of art music.

Festival program

The festival opens with a concert by Peđa Mužijević, a pianist from Bosnia and Herzegovina with an American address, who will perform on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the House of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the opening ceremony, concerts by teachers, associates and students of various art departments of the Academy of Music, academic ensembles, as well as eminent guest musicians are organized at the UNSA Music Academy, in the Gallery of the Bosnian Cultural Center of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the House of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosniak Institute – The Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, the Sarajevo National Theater and the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo.

On Tuesday, May 14, the Zagreb Wind Trio will perform, which in its current composition continues the unbroken fifty-year tradition of this ensemble, while two days later, on May 16, a recital will be held by renowned soloists and pedagogues, Wladimir Kossjanenko (viola) and Vesna Podrug Kossjanenko (piano).

On Friday, May 17, a concert dedicated to prof. Osman-Faruk Sijarić, while on June 5, a memorial concert for professor Paša Gackić will be held.

The May music festivities regularly present the work of teachers, associates and students of the UNSA Academy of Music, as well as academic ensembles, so this year there will also be joint concerts of students (May 21) and MAS teachers (May 30), as well as two student recitals: young soprano Jovana Pavlović who will perform with the piano accompaniment of Milan Lucić (May 28) and promising pianist Ana Petrović (May 31). In addition to the ones in Sarajevo, during the festival there will be a piano evening by the students of the Music Academy of the University of Zagreb (May 23).

On the occasion of the Music Academy Day of the University of Sarajevo, the MAS Orchestra will be presented under the baton of Emir Mejremić (20.05), and the festival will also include a concert by the MAS choir, which will perform with conductor Emanuel Josić (11.06).

On June 10, the festival will also host the renowned pianist Mirna Lekić, who will arrive from America with the composer and visual artist André Brégégère and prepare a multimedia presentation of Mirage, and two days later, on June 12, an authentic performance by the piano duo Marialena Fernandes and Ranko Marković (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo, will mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the composer Arnold Schönberg.

The festival will be rounded off on June 13 with a traditional joint concert of teachers and students of the UNSA Music Academy and the Sarajevo Philharmonic, as its decades-long partner institution.

All programs of the May Music Festival are presented by the Academy of Music to the audience free of charge, and additional information about each individual event will be available on  the website.
