Survey on citizens’ opinions on respect for human rights in the business sector

The Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH, with the financial support of the European Union, is implementing the initiative “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. As part of this initiative, we seek to examine opinions of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina on respect for human rights in the business sector.

The questionnaire consists of 20 close-ended questions with offered answers. It will take you less than 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

It is important to note that the questionnaire is completely anonymous and the identity of the person completing the questionnaire cannot be revealed in any way. Please provide your honest answers to the questions.

Note: Nouns that refer to persons regardless of their grammatical gender imply both natural genders.

Thank you for your participation and time.

Please fill in the questionnaire here.