Strengthening the skills of youth workers through the understanding of youth policies

Successful policies towards young people include various mechanisms that enable their inclusion in society, and thus, within the second training module for professional associates for work with young people, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the way in which the government, especially the local one, deals with solving problems of young people, and become familiar with the mechanisms that make policy towards young people in a local community successful.

One of the focuses of the module was on the legal regulations that regulate youth policy in order to create continuous work to improve the position and needs of young people, which is also a key tool in these processes.

“As someone who works in the field of prevention and education in the Dignitet Association from Mostar, the knowledge provided allows me to better understand the context within which young people live and develop. I realized how important it is for young people to be involved in the decision-making process that concerns them, and how their needs can be addressed in a systematic way. I learned concrete strategies on how I can act as an intermediary between young people and decision makers, and how I can use my voice to advocate for changes that will improve the quality of life of young people in our community. The set of values ​​that I carry from this module and the entire training will permeate my daily work, because I feel that I will be able to more effectively represent the interests of young people and ensure that their voices are heard.”  – Ella Ljubić, Dignitet Association

Through laws on youth and policy mechanisms towards youth, the existing legal frameworks that regulate youth issues are analyzed, including the rights and obligations of both young people and institutions working with young people, and various mechanisms that local authorities should use in order to effectively implement policies towards youth are presented. to young people.

“I consider it important to get to know the mechanisms of youth policies so that through youth work in our local communities, we can improve support for young people and ways to solve youth problems. Through my involvement, I try to create a space of support for young people, and this topic will serve as an additional tool for directing me to resources that can help us as non-governmental organizations.”  – Merima Imamović, Izvor nade Foundation

Also, as part of the module, a “Coffee with…” was organized, where the youth workers Belma Lepir-Cviko, Nina Tirić and Mersiha Kolčaković shared their experiences in working with young people, and the participants had the opportunity to get to know in detail the work of the workers at the local and the cantonal level, which enabled them to better understand their responsibilities and the challenges they face.

The topic of the module provided participants with knowledge and skills for effective advocacy and implementation of policies towards young people, primarily at the local level. Also, the participants pointed out that through the understanding and application of legal frameworks, local communities can significantly improve the position of young people and create more favorable conditions for their development and inclusion in society.
