Solar power plant in Kruhari near Sanski Most put into use

In the area of ​​the village of Kruhari, not far from Sanski Most, the first solar power plant in this area was put into operation, which covers an area of ​​several tens of dunums of land.

The investor of this project is the company “Energo Cat” from this city, which previously obtained all the necessary documentation for the construction of solar capacities.

For now, it is about two voltage units with a power of one megawatt each, and the representatives of the investors say that the complete energy project should be rounded up to a total of 25 megawatts in the future.

“I think we are currently the largest producer of electricity in the area of ​​the Una-Sana Canton. We had a lot of problems during the actual implementation of the project, but here, now we are online, we are working and I think we can say that this is a historic moment for Sanski Most, because energy is produced and consumed locally” , said Alen Šabanović, director of the mentioned company.

According to him, in the coming period they have ambitious plans related to the construction of additional capacities, but the problem, as he points out, is that the current power grid cannot meet those needs with its capacity.

“We hope that we will overcome that and that in this way we will enable the energy independence of Sanski Most, but also beyond ,” says Šabanović.

He states that this solar park could make this entire area economically desirable and that in the future factories will be built where there is energy, which could be an economic opportunity for Sanski Most.

“Ultimately, this solar park could make this entire area energy-independent, because, for example, the Sanski Most draws about 8.5 megawatts of energy during the power peak. In the future, factories will be built where there is energy, because its transmission has become terribly expensive, and the losses in transmission are significant ,” Šabanović points out.

In the area of ​​the Una-Sana Canton, there are more and more projects in the field of solar energy utilization, and Bosanski Petrovac, the municipality with the highest number of sunny days in this area, is leading the way. The first solar park in this municipality of Krajina was put into operation in the middle of 2019 in the town of Krnjeuša, and the total value of this investment was 720,000 marks.

The construction of a large solar park in the area of ​​Bosanski Petrovac was also announced by the company “Promondis”, and the total investment was estimated at 65 million euros and should be one of the largest realized in the area of ​​this canton.
