Scouting School organized by Scout Detachment “Pofalići – Novo Sarajevo” started

As part of the implementation of the “School of Scouting” project, which was supported by the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo as part of the Public Call, members of the Scout Detachment “Pofalići – Novo Sarajevo” participated in a cooking workshop in nature. They learned to start a fire on their own, as well as prepare some simple recipes and a meal for everyone.

Through this project, which will last several months, the organization of educational workshops, excursions and two-day stays for children and young people is planned.

Scouts mainly deal with getting to know nature, socializing, and socializing children and young people both in everyday life and in the place where they live, as well as in nature and wilderness.

This year, for the first time in Sarajevo, with the support of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo, the “Sarajevo Spring” scout meetings were held on Wilson’s Promenade, organized by the “Pofalići-Novo Sarajevo” Scout Detachment.

This scout event will become traditional in our municipality and city.
