Results of support through the Kiseljak 2024 Fund.

Clean environment 3,500.00 
                                                                                                                  TOTAL SUPPORT 3,500.00 

The grant allocation committee did not approve the allocation of funds for 1 project, namely: 

R. no. APPLICANT THE PROJECT Approved amount/KM 
NG Roma activists of music and dance, Roma tradition Music, culture and Roma tradition 0.00 
                                 TOTAL SUPPORT 0.00 

Every applicant of the public invitation has the right to submit an objection to the results of the commission within 7 days from the date of publication of the results on the website of the Tuzla Community Foundation exclusively in writing to the email address: . The complaint will be resolved in a short time by the management of the Foundation.

 The Kiseljak Fund is a dedicated fund for the improvement and development of the Tuzla local community Kiseljak, which is included in the Network of Active Communities. Through this Fund, we encourage cooperation and partnership within the local community of Kiseljak, where activists meet regularly to actively work on solving problems in their community. All projects that are proposed for support through this Fund are aligned with the needs of the community, and included in the annual community action plan. Projects financed from this Fund should help build trust in the community, encourage regular communication and cooperation of the public, civil and business sectors, and advocate for positive changes at the settlement and local community level. 
