Real-life heroes: Passing the toughest test of humanity and selflessness in adversity

It is difficult to predict how we would react in moments of great calamity, so those who passed the test of humanity and courage are certainly worth mentioning.

Last week, for one part of our country, the sun did not shine after the night and it was a beautiful day.

Unfortunately, due to large floods in the area of ​​Jablanica, Kiseljak, Fojnica, Kreševo, many residents of that region spent the night fighting for their lives.

During the night, the torrent literally “washed away” family houses, entire families, many injured and missing people are still being searched for.

Unfortunately, the number of human victims is not yet final.


This area, in recent days, has been the epicenter of good people, rescuers, local, regional and international help in manpower, machinery, money, and necessities for the normalization of life.

What all accidents show is human solidarity and courage.

It is difficult to predict how we would react in moments of great calamity, so those who passed the test of humanity and courage are certainly worth mentioning.

Heroes are not loud and you don’t know they are in your arsenal until some accident shows their exemplary faces.

Media attention these days has been attracted by many who have risked or given their lives to save others.


Lejla Zalihic

This mother, the heroine,  saved the life of her daughter  who was swept away by the torrent.

According to the neighbor’s testimony, she jumped from the third floor of the house and swam three kilometers through the swollen water.

Fortunately, they survived, and the story about them during the past days has traveled around the region.

Photo: Lejla Zalihić, Facebook

“The house shook once, the second time and the third time we fell together with the house. I was carried by the water, I don’t know, I went in a circle and as I went in a circle, I took in air” , said Lejla Zalihić.

“I got some strength there and dived down between those trees. It hit me in the head, I got to her somehow. She was all black from the cold,”  recalls Zalihić.

Ernad Begović

A tragic fate  befell the young Ernad Begović, who lost his life while selflessly trying to save his neighbors from the floods.

His last atom of strength was used to save others, but unfortunately, he himself could not escape the torrent that swept him away.

Ernad, together with his father Muhammad, bravely came to the aid of his neighbors, showing true human solidarity, and it is assumed that he saved more than ten fellow citizens.

His dedicated work and selflessness left a deep mark in the hearts of all who knew him.

One  testimony  of a friend speaks volumes for this wonderful man.

Photo: Ernad Begović, Facebook

Amra and Semir Jahić

Amra Jahić, the wife of the imam of Donja Jablanica, with her family,  survived the horrors  when the torrent of water flooded their house.

This morning, a photo of the mosque, which is completely in water, only a part of the minaret is not, went around the world. Amra and her family stayed at the minaret and thus saved their lives.

According to her, the imam and his family were saved from the water at the last moment, they were on the roof for a while.

In  her confession , Amra told all the details of her struggle to save her son.

“My husband fell asleep. My son Daris and I stayed to play. Around 1:30 a.m. we heard a heavy storm. I managed to get to the window and saw that the water was carrying the car. At that moment, I woke up my husband and told him that the water was taking away the car. At that moment, our first neighbor Ševala knocked on our door. She just lay down in the corridor and said that she had lost everything she had in her life. At that moment I didn’t know what was happening. Suddenly, water came to the first floor. We managed to get five people into the house and escaped to the attic. We called for help. The neighbor had a network and we managed to call Gara, whom I know personally. He is a deminer and a member of the civil protection. I called and said: ‘Gavro, Gavro help us’. Water comes up to the ceiling. We waited there for two hours and there was no help. The water reached the ceiling and the only way out was to jump through that window ,” Jahić said.

Photo: Amra and Semir ef. Jahic, Courier

Everyone was in the joint fight, and as Amra says, all the neighbors helped only to save her four-year-old son Daris.

She was sure of one thing, that she would do everything so that Daris would have a safe life.

Dženan Imamović

Dženan lost nine family members in the landslide and floods in Donja Jablanica, and two are still being searched for.

He managed to save himself, his wife and children.

In  an emotional confession,  he shows the place where his entire neighborhood disappeared.

Photo: Dženan Imamović with his wife,

He says that “everything was known” about the possible consequences, but that no one did anything for the welfare of the locals in the vicinity of the quarry.

“At that moment we flew out, me, my wife and my daughter. After that there was chaos, everything was flying. Only my house remained, everything else was demolished. All of them died, only one six-year-old boy, his sister’s grandson, remained. People were caught in their sleep, they didn’t even have time to get up ,  ” said Dženan .

People helped, but he says, they no longer have their own.

Zilhad, Edin and Kenan

There are also many who did not “reach” the media, but their efforts are worth mentioning.

The act of saving another does not require the lights of the cameras, these are the ultimate selfless acts and surely the real heroes are even humble.

Dženad Džino , a well-known photographer from Jablanica, and these days an activist in the field, writes about such people .

Photo: Djenad Djino


Heroes these days include all those activists on the ground, all those who collect donations and work to ease the difficult situation of the citizens of this area.

We remind you that due to the catastrophic consequences and the human lives that were lost, October 8 was also declared a Day of Mourning in FBiH.
