Protection of natural areas: Presentation of the proposal of the Law on declaring the Circle of the Mountain a protected landscape “Kruzi”

The protection of natural areas is achieved through the implementation of a series of activities aimed at preventing the degradation and destruction of nature, which is most often the result of human activity and the incompatibility of social and economic development with the available natural resources owned by the local community.

The protection of the Kruzi mountain area or the Kruzi plateau above Livno, where wild horses live, is a topic that has been relevant for the last twenty years in the Livno area and beyond. 

Wild horses as a peculiar phenomenon, but also the tourism brand Livna and Kruzi as the natural area where they live, have been changing their contours in recent years, which is mostly caused by the human factor.

Legal mechanisms are necessary that will enable the necessary protection of this area as well as wild horses and the entire biodiversity that encompasses this area of ​​140 square kilometers.

In recent years, the granting of concessions for the construction of wind parks has been associated with this area, which the local community is particularly concerned about, and for all the reasons mentioned, it is necessary to draw concrete conclusions and send a clear message and initiative about the need to protect the landscape in Kruza.

The Center for Civic Cooperation, with the support of local activists, organizes a public meeting on the protection of natural areas and a presentation of the proposal for the Law on declaring Krug Planina a protected landscape “Kruzi”.

The meeting will be held  in Livno ,  meeting room of Hotel “Novitas”  (Gospodarska zona Jug bb, Livno),  28.11.2024.  starting at  11 a.m.

We invite representatives of associations and local communities, representatives of local and cantonal authorities, institutions, companies, tourist agencies, all interested citizens to participate in the public meeting.

The involvement of the local community is of enormous importance for decision-making processes and participation in the creation of policies and laws for the benefit of the entire society. By participating in the public meeting, you too can participate in the creation of the proposed law!

Please no later than 27.11.2024. confirm your participation to the Center for Civic Cooperation; by phone – 034 202 770 or by e-mail –
