[Plus Ultra] Be a Men’s Club

What is Budi Masko Klub?

“Be a Men’s Club” from Banja Luka represents a unique community of men designed to encourage solidarity and support among its members.
This club gathers high school students from Banja Luka, primarily from three schools – the School of Business Students, the Catering-Commercial-Tourism School and the Agricultural School, although there are also members from other Banja Luka high schools,  and it was created out of the need for a space where men can freely talk about their challenges, share experiences and support each other, and fight against peer violence and stereotypes.
Every week, members of this club gather at the Youth Center in Banja Luka to participate in creative workshops.
In addition to men, in this society there are also several girls who help to convey the message even better and adopt the concepts that this club promotes.

The club is part of the regional project implemented by the international humanitarian organization “Care international”, through the Banja Luka Institute for Youth and Community Development “Pepertuum Mobile”.
The activity is implemented within the framework of the Young Men Initiative II (YMI) project: “Promoting healthier lifestyles among young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina by challenging gender stereotypes II” and the project: “Men and boys as partners in promoting gender equality and solving the issue of extremism” and youth violence in the Western Balkans”, which is supported by the Government of Switzerland, the Oak Foundation, the Austrian Development Agency and CARE International Balkans.

In addition to Banja Luka, the “Be a man” club also exists in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Mostar, etc.
The main goal is to gather active high school students, and to give them the opportunity to realize and express themselves through certain activities.
Members of the Be a Man club travel a lot to the joint activities of other “Be a Man” clubs in the region, and these are mostly summer camps where participants are taught communication, presentation, public speaking and leadership skills. The
members of this club have also organized many public, activist events where they drew attention to the importance of the fight against violence against women, dangerous behavior in traffic and much more.

How to become a member of Budi Male Club?

You can join the meetings every Wednesday from 19:00 in the premises of Dom omladine Banja Luka (Đure Daničić 1) or you can contact us via the Facebook page  Budi Muško Klub Banja Luka  or the Instagram profile  @bmk_bl
You can find more information at  pm.rs.ba  or get at phone number 051/303-310 at perpetuum-mobile@blic.net

Members who wish to apply must meet the following conditions:

– that they are not younger than 16 years old, nor older than 20 years old
– they want to raise their voice against violence and be a good example to their peers
– to stand up for attitudes of gender equality
– they want to participate in the construction of educational tools for others young people

If this post intrigued you and encouraged you to research more about the current activities of the Budi Male Club, you can find out more at  the link.
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Source: rolify.com