OKC Abrašević: Creative writing workshop in Mostar

“Do you like to write or would you like to write? Do you like to read and analyze how the writer performed something? Do you like to spend your free time creatively and try something new? If the answer to at least one question was YES, then this workshop is for you,” states the invitation of the Abrašević Youth Cultural Center, which will organize a creative writing workshop today in the space of this cultural institution.

The workshop will be led by Tanja Gavrilović, a graduate in philology of general literature, with a permanent address in Novi Sad, where she lives and works.

The workshop is scheduled to last two hours. Participation is free, and due to the limited number of places, it is necessary to register via  the link .

The workshop is held within the literary residency at OKC Abrašević, with the support of the European Union and the Goethe Institute, through the Culture Moves Europe program.

“Have you ever wondered what an event looks like from a cat’s perspective? Or, again, from the child’s perspective? How would a story sound if it were written in the third person instead of the first person? And how do we decide “from where” and “how” to tell a story? We look for answers to these questions together, through creative exercises, writing short literary forms (flash fiction), joint reading and conversation” – told the audience from the Youth Cultural Center “Abrašević”. 

Source: federalna.ba