Museum “Walter defends Sarajevo” opened at Bistrica station

The Museum “Walter defends Sarajevo” was opened today at Bistrica station in Sarajevo, which is dedicated to the cult film production of the great director Hajdurin Šiba Krvavac.

The author of the idea and concept of the museum, film director Jasmin Duraković, said that this museum is the first film museum in this part of Europe, and that it speaks of the essence of Sarajevo, which is its anti-fascism and everything related to the film Walter defends Sarajevo, which is and one of the biggest brands of this city.

“In addition to its film value, this museum will also be significant for the tourism of the city of Sarajevo”,  emphasized Duraković.

The mayor of Sarajevo was also present at the opening of the museum. She states that she is extremely grateful to Jasmin Duraković and Senka Ibrišimbegović for jointly opening the Walter Brani Sarajevo Museum.

“This is a beautiful tribute to a great film and an even more great man, Šiba Krvavac, who did a lot that Sarajevo and BiH can be proud of,”  said Karić, adding that she expects the museum to attract a large number of our fellow citizens and tourists around the world.

Senka Ibrišimbegović, the director of the Sarajevo City Museums, particularly pointed out that it is very important that we have this kind of display, which is in a way a movie display.

“So, it was staged. Some scenes are presented in the museum exhibit. This will be significant for tourists to experience that story from the film Walter defends Sarajevo” , said Ibrišimbegović.

Chinese tourists have already announced their visit to Sarajevo precisely because of the opening of this museum.
