Mostar is becoming a source of ideas for young European entrepreneurs

In June, a study visit of young people was organized through the project “DISPLAY – Digital Serious Play for Youth Business Ideas Development” within the Erasmus plus program of the European Union.

That Mostar can offer young people much more than tourist content is confirmed by the numerous organized visits of young people from European countries who come more and more often through study visits and exchanges to this city for the purpose of acquiring informal education.

This type of learning has long been formally recognized at the level of European Union countries, and its status, unfortunately, is still not legally regulated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An example of this claim was the study visit of young people organized in June through the project “DISPLAY – Digital Serious Play for Youth Business Ideas Development” within the Erasmus plus program of the European Union, where 25 young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 7 European countries spent a four-day visit to Mostar. The host of this event was the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Mostar, which is one of the partners of this two-year project. 

New ideas

Through a rich program, participants of the study visit had the opportunity to visit interesting and stimulating organizations and private businesses, and take with them new ideas for the development of their own business models based on examples of their work and activities. One of the places of the study visit was the Makerspace Garage in Mostar, where young people had the opportunity to discover innovative technologies, such as the use of 3D printers and other digital tools with a focus on recycling plastic waste into filament for 3D printers and panels as an alternative to wooden panels. “As an electrical engineer, visiting the Makerspace Garage was a revelation. I find the things they do extremely interesting, and the staff very helpful,” emphasized Abdul Rehman Shah Syed (28) from Liechtenstein. The visit to the IT giant NSoft from Mostar was also interesting, where the young people left with knowledge about innovations in software creation with the facilitation of a knowledge quiz. Ana Minoska (23) from North Macedonia described the visit to the NSoft company as fascinating, and the entire study visit as an exceptional opportunity to learn and make new acquaintances that have the potential to achieve possible cooperation in the development of entrepreneurial ideas.  

Best practices and stories

The best practices and success stories of young entrepreneurs from Mostar were offered to young people by Mostar entrepreneur Ali Vrtić, while in the FIT Student Association at Mostar University “Džemal Bijedić” they discussed the future of technology and innovation with their peers. “As a FIT student, I would especially like to emphasize the visit to IT companies and organizations that encourage the creativity of young people through various projects that are primarily useful for further training in the technical sense. Because of all the above, this study visit was of great importance, and it gave me a wind at my back, for my personal and professional development”, emphasized Tarik Kreso (21), FIT student of the University of “Džemal Bijedić” in Mostar and one of the study visit participants. Danial Dan Ćemalović (21), a FIT student from Mostar, adds that this study visit represents an exceptional opportunity for him to gain new knowledge and experience, and to exchange ideas with young people from other countries, which contributed to his academic and professional development.

Getting to know the city

Practical work related to designing, developing and creating business models, these young people had the opportunity to learn through three-day LEGO® Serious Play sessions. In accordance with the developed methodology, during the sessions, young people used specially designed sets of LEGO bricks to build business models, in order to shape and elaborate their own ideas down to the smallest details, all while continuing to collaborate and network with their peers. The aim of the study visit was to create a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) consisting of the results developed through the project, where the participants went through a process of independent learning starting from the creation and design of a business idea, its development, improvement and evaluation. The main goal of MOOCs is to provide young people with skills that are valuable for the labor market and provide them with a work tool that they can use for training and various other activities. There was also an opportunity for young people to get to know the city through the exploration of the rich historical and cultural heritage of Mostar. These and numerous other opportunities offered by Mostar are available to young people from all over the world, as an excellent opportunity to acquire informal education and discover new ideas, as well as exchange experiences with young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who through these and similar activities have the opportunity to learn a lot. and applications in their local communities. The Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Mostar has been continuously offering these and numerous other opportunities for acquiring knowledge, experience, capacity building and improving the skills of young people for 20 years in the framework of its projects.  
