The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry announced that the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy 2021-2027 was adopted at the extraordinary session of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was previously adopted in the same text by the House of Peoples of the FBiH Parliament.
Federal Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Kemal Hrnjić expressed his gratitude to the representatives for the adoption of the Strategy, especially the representatives of the Agriculture Committee of the House of Representatives of the FBiH Parliament who initiated the holding of the emergency session of this House with the aim of discussing and adopting this strategic document.

The Strategy is a basic medium-term strategic-development document that establishes policies, goals and measures for the development of agriculture and rural areas in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a period programmatically aligned with the period of the current Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. It establishes the goals and priorities of the development of agriculture and rural development in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina until 2027, the way to achieve them, the financial and institutional framework for implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Also, producers, purchasers, processors and other sector actors are in a position to plan production, sales and investments more readily and better, which should result in a more sustainable development of the agricultural sector.
– The strategy, among other things, brings a new approach to the development of rural areas and increases the volume of investments while increasing the share of public funds in investment support. A new concept of connecting agricultural producers with buyers and processors is promoted, based on the establishment of strong producer groups and producer organizations, with a special emphasis on the development of agricultural cooperatives and the organization of farmers within the cooperative organization. The increase in the quality of agricultural and food products, the introduction and maintenance of international standards, and the reduction of negative impacts on the environment are stimulated. Direct payments are simplified and converted into single payments per hectare and per conditional head of livestock, which leaves room for cantonal ministries to additionally support their productions, which are of particular importance to them, from their budgets, whereby all producers in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina should have as much more uniform conditions for production with regard to the level of support – it is stated in the statement of the Ministry.
They also add that there is a strong insistence on strengthening the knowledge and information transfer system and the development of a modern agricultural advisory service.
– Special, additional support for producers in areas with natural limitations for agricultural production, which are threatened by strong depopulation and the cessation of farming, is foreseen. A special line of support is being introduced for young farmers who take over the management of farms with the aim of stabilizing income and supporting investments – the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry announced.