Meeting between representatives of the Association Network for Building Peace and representatives of the USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism (USAID Turizam) project in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held

A meeting was held between representatives of the Association Network for Building Peace and representatives of the USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism (Turizam) project in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On December 16, 2021 in Sarajevo, a meeting was held between representatives of the Association Network for Building Peace and representatives of the USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism (USAID Turizam) project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The meeting was an opportunity for the participants to exchange experiences and discuss plans and mutual support regarding the further implementation of projects, working conditions during the pandemic, and the challenges they face while working on projects.

Representatives of the Network for Building Peace presented the Local Works project and pointed out that the Network for Building Peace runs and posts news on the website where many useful tools and databases are available for all those working at the local level. The network seeks to listen to issues in local communities, and conducts visits and writes stories that may point to existing positive practices and initiatives to motivate others to launch similar initiatives in their local communities.

Representatives of USAID Turizam said their goal is to foster overall tourism-based economic growth and promote social harmony, relying on BiH’s rich cultural heritage and recognizable nature. One of the very successful activities implemented so far is the establishment of an innovative, free online tool for education (Tourism Academy) that has proven to be very effective and important for the development of the tourism sector, especially during the COVID pandemic. It was emphasized that a lot of work is being done in the field of formal and non-formal education, on mapping the needs of all sectors involved in tourism development and establishing links and partnerships with various actors in the communities. More information about the USAID Turizam project is available on their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.