Meet the mentors for employment!

Mentoring for employment is not only a solution to challenges on the labor market, nor only access to the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina – it initiates positive changes and creates inspiring life stories. Employment mentors are not just mentors – they are creators of life stories and opportunities for new beginnings.

The success of the mentoring approach to employment would not be possible without a dedicated and professional team of mentors, whose knowledge and experience ensure the successful integration of sensitive groups into the working environment.

Employment mentors provide key support to mentees in recognizing their strengths, motivation and preparation for entering the labor market, looking for a job and keeping it. Mentors guide, streamline the process and serve as a link between the idea of ​​change and actual change, encouraging the development of more inclusive workplaces and the creation of sustainable societies with equal opportunities for all.

7 mentors are included in the process of mentoring for employment, namely: Amina Džaferović, Dajana Bakić, Enisa Mešetović, Naida Kokić, Sanda Ljukovac, Naida Duvnjak – Šehović and Dženana Pindžo – Mekić.

Amina Džeforović is a coordinator in the Business Community department of CEI NAHLA, who works on the implementation of projects aimed at integrating unemployed people into the labor market. The focus of her work is on supporting the process of integration of unemployed people into the labor market through educational programs, and on establishing sustainable relations with the employer, and she finds her motivation in creating positive changes in society.

Dajana Bakić, graduate pedagogue – psychologist, works as the Operations Manager at the Sarajevo Open Center and tirelessly fights for the realization of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a focus on the rights of members of the LGBTIQ population. Aware of the obstacles and difficulties that marginalized young people face during employment, he invests his long-term acquired knowledge and skills in strengthening the capacities of his mentees.

Enisa Mešetović, master’s degree in political science and expert advisor for education, youth issues and the NGO sector of Ilijaš municipality, works daily through her work to strengthen the rights and position of young people and non-governmental organizations. Once again, she shows her love for her community as an employment mentor, who wants to lend a hand of support and understanding to marginalized youth from her community.

Naida Kokić is the executive director of the “Source of Hope” Foundation, who has extensive experience as a career and peer mentor. He finds faith in mentoring for employment in an individual approach in working with mentees, which he believes is the key and the only long-term and sustainable way of working with individuals.

Sanda Ljukovac, director of Festina Lente doo, is an HR consultant, trainer and moderator in the areas of improving the universal skills of employees in companies. As a human resources expert, she wants to train her mentees to build a future successful business career. She finds motivation and inspiration for employment mentoring in the mentee’s progress, but also in the fact that she herself learned and learned a lot through this process.

Naida – Duvnjak Šehović is a graduate psychologist and gestalt psychotherapist, who is highly motivated, creative and independent professional in the implementation of human resources processes. Thanks to continuous professional development by business partners and clients, she is recognized as an excellent mentor and internal trainer. As a lover of the process of developing people, through employment mentoring Naida lovingly creates new perspectives for her mentees, but at the same time for herself.

Dženana Pindžo – Mekić is an expert counselor for prevention and early intervention, currently employed at the Family Counseling Center. As a certified trainer in the field of life skills, employability skills and counseling, she significantly contributes to the development of her mentees. She believes that mentoring for employment is an ideal opportunity to provide support to young people, which allows her to monitor how each of them achieves their excellence through ‘1 on 1’ work.

With dedication, empathy and expertise, employment mentors help marginalized and hard-to-employ young people to overcome challenges, develop their skills and self-confidence, and achieve significant progress in personal and professional development.

Institute for Youth Development KULT within the project “Social mentoring of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, as a partner in the regional project “Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in the Western Balkans (SoRi III), which is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Bosnia and Herzegovina is developing an approach to social mentoring – mentoring for work integration, according to the methodology developed by the Association for Research, Communication and Development PUBLIC from Skopje.
