Meet Enisa Mešetović, a passionate employment mentor whose work brings hope and opportunities to young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Employment mentors provide key support to mentees in recognizing their strengths, motivation and preparation for entering the labor market, looking for a job and keeping it. The process of mentoring for employment represents an innovative approach in the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it offers numerous benefits, among which is the creation of a platform and direction for further strengthening of institutional support and economic development of local communities.

Enisa Mešetović is an expert advisor for education, youth issues and the NGO sector in Ilijaš Municipality. In addition, she is a certified professional associate for work with young people, a certified youth worker and a consultant for the Passport of Competences. With his dedicated work and professional knowledge, he actively contributes to the improvement of available resources and the creation of new opportunities in the community, as well as to the development of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, encouraging them to be actively involved in social processes and providing them with tools for successful personal and professional development.

For Enisa, working with young people is one of the most beautiful, but at the same time the most challenging and responsible jobs.

Strongly believing in the importance of community and mutual support, as a mentor for employment, she was given a unique opportunity to significantly contribute to the progress and development of her environment. She believes that the mentoring process enriches not only those she guides, but also herself, allowing her to meet new perspectives, diverse life stories and challenges that broaden her understanding and experience.

” Although I really have developed empathy and understanding, through employment mentoring I have expanded my understanding of human experiences and needs. Furthermore, through mentoring, the skills of active listening, asking questions and clear expression are continuously developed ,” says Enisa.

On the importance of the employment mentoring process for our country, Enisa states: ” The employment mentoring process can have a significant impact on various aspects of society, including the economic sector and the labor market, especially in countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina where there is a need to support the development of human resources and by improving the competencies of the workforce. It  can be key in increasing employability and reducing the unemployment rate and play an important role in the integration of marginalized groups into society and the economy. Providing support and guidance can help people with less access to education or other resources to integrate more easily into social and economic life.”

If she had to choose again, without a doubt, she points out that she would again choose to be an employment mentor. It is a role that fulfills her, and especially through the opportunity to watch her mentees grow, achieve their goals and develop self-confidence, which is immensely inspiring and motivating for her.

” That experience encourages me every day to be better at what I do and to continuously look for ways to provide the best possible support to my mentees ,” she says.

She also finds additional motivation in the sense of community and belonging with other mentors, where as part of a collective she shares a common vision and desire for the empowerment and development of young people.

Enisa recognizes the importance of being supportive of young people, offering them understanding and guidance as they go through challenging phases of life.
“Through working with young people, we have the opportunity to shape their lives and help them become self-reliant and responsible individuals. Every contribution we make can have long-term positive consequences, not only for their lives, but also for the community in which we live. Let our support be the foundation for their strong future” , says Enisa.

The message that Enisa wants to send to other actors who work with young people is: ” Your support can change someone’s life.”

Institute for Youth Development KULT within the project “Social mentoring of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, as a partner in the regional project “Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in the Western Balkans (SoRi III), which is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Bosnia and Herzegovina is developing an approach to social mentoring – mentoring for work integration, according to the methodology developed by the Association for Research, Communication and Development PUBLIC from Skopje.
