In Livno, a public meeting was held on the topic of Protected Natural Areas and a presentation of the Proposal for the Law on the Declaration of the Circle of the Mountain as a Protected Landscape “Kruzi”.
When it comes to protected natural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have 12 protected areas in the Federation, and 34 in the Republika Srpska, in total this figure does not exceed 3% of the territory of BiH that fall under protected areas.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), protected areas are those parts of the territory that are significant for biodiversity, relative preservation of the original landscape and/or aesthetic-tourist potential.
Based on the IUCN categorization, on whose principles entity laws on nature protection are based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the draft Law presented in Livno falls into the fifth (5) protection category, i.e. protected landscape (landscape). The adoption of this Law is within the competence of the Cantonal Government and the relevant ministries.
The total area of the proposed Krug Mountain or Kruzi Plateau protected area is 13,820 ha, of which 11,130 ha or 80.5% of the total area is located in the City of Livno. 1,350 ha (9.8%) is located in the Municipality of Glamoč and 1,340 ha (9.7%) is located in the Municipality of Tomislavgrad.
The meeting participants highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed law as well as the need to take concrete steps to protect the Circle and wild horses from further destruction of this especially rich and biodiverse area of HB County/Canton.
“The mountain range is of exceptional interest due to biodiversity, but also tourism, so on the one hand we need to protect nature for nature’s sake, and on the other hand we have this anthropocentric angle where we are aware that profit can be made for the people who live there through tourism, through sustainable livestock farming and agriculture,” said Igor Kalaba, representative of the Environmental Center from Banja Luka.
Part of the discussion at the meeting was also focused on the planned concession areas that are in the Spatial Plan of HBŽ, where we have as many as 5 planned wind farms in the area of Krug.

For all the above reasons, stronger connections and involvement of the aforementioned local communities as well as county/cantonal authorities and their active participation in the process of proposing and adopting this Law is necessary, as well as the involvement of all legal and natural persons who can and should contribute and support this initiative.
“The primary goal of the law is to bring things under control. So, the goal is to protect pastures, protect wild horses, and protect the natural values of Krug Mountain, all for the benefit of the local community,” said Josip Dolušić, an environmental activist and proponent of the law.
The meeting concluded that taking the next steps within this initiative requires the involvement of the wider public, who will constructively participate in initiating and proposing this Law.
Anyone interested can contact the Center for Civic Cooperation at the email address: in order to receive an electronic version of the proposed Law and send their suggestions, comments and opinions.