Introducing the youth officers: Belma Lepir Cviko – The role of the youth officer must be proactive!

Youth officers  provide support and help to youth organizations and young people to overcome daily challenges in their work and be strong actors for the development of the communities in which they operate.  The Institute for Youth Development KULT  especially emphasizes the improvement of the position and the promotion of the role of youth officers, with the aim of working with and for young people together to be a step forward towards their better position in society.

Belma Lepir Cviko  was born in Sarajevo, where she completed primary and secondary school and then the Faculty of Philosophy – Department of Pedagogy and earned the title of prof. pedagogy. Belma’s long-term involvement in the non-governmental sector brought her various experiences and knowledge.

In the PROI Association, she worked on the preparation and coordination of numerous local, international and EU projects, and in her work she always advocated for a better status and treatment of young people as well as marginalized groups in society. She worked as an educator on programs and projects for young people, focusing on strengthening their social and life skills, as well as raising awareness of the importance of sexual and reproductive health. Through the aforementioned projects, Belma strove to provide young people with the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their health, build interpersonal relationships and empower themselves to face everyday challenges.

“I tried to convey not only theoretical knowledge to young people, but also practical skills that help them better cope with everyday life challenges, build self-confidence and develop key competencies and skills for the future.” Working with young people has always been an inspiration to me, because through training and education I can see how they develop, take initiatives and become active members of society ,” says Belma.

She also gained significant experience as a member of various multisectoral working groups that apply an integrated approach to solving various social problems. These groups brought together representatives of various institutions and institutions, such as the employment office, the Ministry of Education, the police, the judiciary, the prosecution and centers for social work.

Since December 2022, Belma has been employed in the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo in the Service for Education, Culture and Sports. She started her engagement in the position of expert associate for youth issues, and is currently in the position of senior expert associate for culture and sports in the same department.

In addition to engagement in the non-governmental sector, Belma also has experience working in formal education. She worked at JU Djeca Sarajevo as a pedagogue, and before working in the Municipality, she worked for five years in an international company for accounting, consulting and auditing. What stands out in particular is that she is a wife and mother of a boy.

When it comes to the impact of formal education on her career path, she states:  “Formal education opened many doors for me and provided fundamental academic skills that were crucial to my professional development. During my studies, I adopted a structured way of thinking, critical thinking and valuable knowledge about methodology and scientific research work. Formal education provided a stable framework in which I can apply everything I learned, and definitely determined my professional path and the position I am in now. However, in the absence of practical skills and experiences that would help me better understand the challenges of real life, I tried to supplement my formal education with informal ones through volunteering and involvement in non-governmental organizations. As a volunteer, I gained practical skills, experience working in the field, as well as a sense of social responsibility. It taught me how to apply classroom theory in real life and how to contribute to the community in concrete ways.”

In addition, he points out that informal education taught him how to adapt, to be creative and to constantly learn from new situations. Through informal educations, workshops and projects, she believes that she learned the importance of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility towards the community.

Belma is currently attending basic training for youth workers. The Institute for Youth Development KULT plans, organizes and implements training programs for youth officers and certification of officers who work with young people in city, municipal and cantonal authorities. The training program consists of basic and advanced training. The basic training program trains participants to perform the duties of an expert in the state service for work with youth and is attended by persons who meet the criteria for applying for a public invitation according to the Rulebook on training procedures and certification of youth officials of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports. He considers the training extremely useful for his professional and personal development.

“Thanks to the training, I am always up to date with the latest changes and developments in the field of youth work, which allows me to better understand the challenges that young people face, but also to improve my skills. The needs of young people today are different than before. The world they grow up in is dynamic and full of new challenges, from technological advances to changes in social norms and values. Through training and continuous improvement, I can better understand these changes and adapt programs and approaches to meet the real needs of today’s youth. This flexibility and readiness for continuous learning are key to effective work with young people, because it is important that their ideas, interests and priorities are recognized and supported in the right way,”  says Belma.

The training provided her with valuable practical knowledge and concrete tools that help her plan, implement and evaluate programs for young people more efficiently, and also provides her with the opportunity to network with colleagues from different sectors with whom she can exchange experiences and improve her work.

“This training is especially useful for me in terms of familiarizing myself with the legal framework related to young people. Due to my obligations, sometimes I don’t have enough time to familiarize myself with all the legal regulations in detail, and this training allows me to effectively understand the key regulations and laws that regulate youth policy. It makes my daily work easier and helps me make the right decisions in accordance with the applicable laws. The training also helps me in my personal development, as it allows me to develop leadership, communication and teamwork skills, which are key elements for success in everyday work with young people. I am sure that this training will have a long-term effect and significance for my personal and professional development, and that it will enable me to contribute even more effectively to the development of youth policy and programs in my community ,” she states.

When asked how he sees the role of youth officer in local government, he answers:  “That role is extremely important, because it represents a bridge between young people and institutions, ensuring that their needs and interests are adequately recognized and taken into account.” The task of the youth officer is not only of an administrative nature, but also strategically important for the creation and implementation of policies that enable young people to develop and realize their potential. Today, young people face numerous challenges, from education, employment, to mental health and social inclusion. Therefore, the youth officer must actively monitor these changes, keep abreast of legal regulations and new trends, and ensure that local policies and programs are adapted to these needs. Also, the youth officer has a key role in connecting young people with different sectors of society, including educational institutions, the economy, non-governmental organizations and international partners. The role of the youth officer is not only reactive, but also proactive, with the aim of empowering young people and providing opportunities for active participation in the community.”

However, he also says that even though a youth worker may not always have the desired breadth of action due to budget constraints, that doesn’t mean he can’t find ways to reach out to young people and make a significant impact.

When it comes to the process of working on the Youth Strategy of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo 2022-2027, Belma states that the Strategy was created from a deep understanding of the needs of young people and their key contribution to social progress, and that it represents the foundation for creating an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous environment for all young people. residents of this municipality. Although she was not directly involved in the creation of the Strategy, because she joined the team at the end of 2022, she had the opportunity to actively participate in the process of creating a report on the implementation of the strategy for the period of 2022 and 2023.

“During that process, I worked on the analysis of achieved results, monitoring of key indicators and identification of challenges in the implementation of planned measures. Working on the report allowed me to gain a deeper insight into the goals of the strategy, the priorities of the youth policy and the real needs of young people in our community. Through this role, I had the opportunity to collaborate with various actors, from non-governmental organizations to various institutions that participated in the development of the Strategy, which helped me to better understand the challenges we face, but also the opportunities for action in the coming years. Through cooperation with all participants in society, from local government to civil society and the private sector, we continue to build bridges to a better future, ensuring that every young individual has the opportunity to realize their potential,”  says Belma.

What is particularly important to her is successful cooperation with young people and positive reactions to her work. She says that the positive reactions encourage her and remind her of the importance of openness and availability in working with young people, because she wants every young person to feel free to share their thoughts, concerns or challenges. As one of the important sentences she received from young people from associations with which she often collaborates, she proudly states:  “You are always approachable and simple, and we can contact you with any question or idea and come to you at any time.”

As one of the key successes in his work, he cites successful cooperation with the Youth Council, which resulted in better communication and more open dialogue between young people and youth officials. Through frequent meetings and various activities, such as a dialogue for young people, he states that a platform has been created where young people can freely express their ideas, opinions and needs. Those activities enabled young people to get involved in the decision-making process and contributed to strengthening their self-confidence.

“I believe that a few people always make big changes if they are fully committed to the goal” , is her favorite quote and the motto that guides her work.

When it comes to plans for the future, Belma will focus on strengthening existing initiatives and creating new opportunities for their development. He wants to continue working on empowering young people through various projects and programs that will enable them to express their ideas, develop skills and actively participate in the community.

“I want to continue establishing partnerships with various institutions and organizations to ensure the support and resources needed to realize our common goals. I believe that through joint work we will be able to create positive changes in the lives of young people and contribute to strengthening their role in society.  Young people are a huge inspiration to me, their creativity and energy motivate me to find innovative solutions and adapt our activities to their needs,”  concludes Belma.

He tells young people to never give up on their goals and to believe in their ability to create change:  “Changes don’t always come quickly, but every small initiative can bring long-term results. It is important for young people to network, be active and show solidarity, because only together can we create a better environment for everyone.”
