Institute for free legal aid: A priority whose start of work must be accelerated

A round table was held in Mostar on the topic “The right to legal aid – Mostar”.

On Thursday, a round table was held in the Hotel Mostar after the launch of the initiative “Right to Legal Aid – Mostar”.

“What is especially important is that today we heard numerous proposals, even this law that is in force, to be improved. As for example to add the category ‘child’ or ‘civilian victim of war'”, said the president and founder of the Association “Dignitet” Edisa Demić.

“We have quite a number of conclusions, and what we can highlight is the good will shown by those invited to contribute to speed up the process and to finally appoint the director of the institution itself, and later the procedures concerning the institution itself to be operational and to form a team of people who will work there”, she added.

Zukanović Moamer, as a person with disabilities and a representative of that group of people, sees a direct need for the functioning of the Institute for Free Legal Aid.

“I like to consider myself the voice of people with disabilities, because I am one myself, and I believe that such an institution is needed by my colleagues who face various problems and obstacles, and one of them is the non-existence of this institution, that is, the existence of which is currently just a dead letter paper”, he pointed out.

The Minister of Justice in HNŽ, Goran Karanović, also emphasized the importance of this institute.

“The institute for free legal aid is of immense importance for the vulnerable categories in HNŽ, and this ministry has as a priority that the institute starts working as soon as possible after waiting for so long”, he emphasized.

By the way, today’s round table was attended by a large number of decision-makers from the competent ministries, the Assembly of the Croatian National Assembly, as well as members of associations and organizations whose users are directly affected by the conclusions.
