Improving the framework for the integration of dually organized education in the Tuzla Canton

The Tuzla Cantonal Chamber of Commerce has started the implementation of the project “Improving the Framework for the Integration of Dually Organized Education in the Tuzla Canton”, which aims to improve cooperation between schools for secondary vocational education and training and business entities in the Tuzla Canton and a systemic approach to introducing elements of dually organized education.

The project implementation partners are the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy, the Pedagogical Institute, vocational schools, companies and the Chamber representing companies and the labor market.

The project is implemented through a local subsidy within the project “Sustainable Economic Development and Promotion of Employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (SEDEP), whose goal is to improve the employment situation and strengthen the private sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on green economic and digital transformation, which is co-financed The Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) and the Government of Switzerland, and is implemented by Deutche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the project component “Strengthening of Secondary Vocational Education and Training” (SVET) whose aim is to strengthen the vocational education system with a focus on to dual organized professional education.

Through project activities, the Chamber will work on the systematic improvement of secondary professional education, especially in the areas of improving the legislative framework that treats practical teaching in business entities, the development of cooperation models between schools and business entities, and the development and implementation of programs for training mentors in the companies in which it is carried out Practical classes.

Through promotional activities, the project will work on raising awareness of the importance of conducting practical classes in business entities, the importance of mentoring and raising the quality of secondary professional education through more intensive cooperation between schools and companies.

The ultimate goal of joint cooperation and activities is to improve the employability of students after finishing high school, announced the Tuzla Cantonal Chamber of Commerce.
