How much do we know about women’s rights and gender equality?

For several years now, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the rest of the world, every 25th of the month has been celebrated as Orange Day, as a day to raise awareness about gender equality and the prevention of violence against women and girls. The Institute tirelessly contributes to the celebration of Orange Day and has been organizing various activities for a decade with the aim of preventing violence against women and girls, sending messages of support to victims, raising awareness of the ways and importance of reporting violence, and spreading knowledge about gender equality and the rights of women and girls in our society.

Awareness of the prevention of violence against women and girls and of gender equality is extremely important in working with young people, in order to form attitudes, recognize, react and prevent violence and create a better, safer and more equal environment for the community.

This month’s Orange Day was marked by the KULT Youth Development Institute with youth workers, at the recently held second training module, with a quiz called “How much do you know about women’s rights and gender equality?”.

Who was Adela Behr?, Who was Miss Irbina Street named after?, What was the name of the first female director of feature films in Bosnia and Herzegovina? – are just some of the questions that the youth workers had the opportunity to answer and learn something new.

This quiz was a perfect opportunity to connect the participants, but at the same time it was a chance to share knowledge and learn. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, women lived and are still alive today, whose achievements should be learned from and passed on to future generations. During the quiz, participants had the opportunity to hear the most prominent women’s names as well as historical changes that women contributed to.

And if you also want to test your knowledge, take the #WomenBiH  QUIZ .
