“Gastro-fest” marks the official start of the season – natural pearls and plenty of flavor for a full atmosphere

Numerous visitors to the “Gastro-fest”, which was held on the river island of Brioni near Foča, were able to get acquainted with the natural beauty and rich tourist offer of the Foča region, an integral part of which are traditional dishes, which they could try.

Several Foca restaurants, associations and farmers prepared an abundance of food, the smells and tastes of which no one was immune to. 

In addition to the specialties from the restaurant, you could try various dishes from the countryside, honey products, blueberry products, mountain teas, and the tourist offer was also presented by the National Park “Sutjeska” and the Hunting Association “Bakić”. 

Among the visitors of this traditional manifestation are teachers and students of elementary schools from Belgrade and Ohrid, who are on a friendly visit to the Elementary School “Veselin Masleša” in Foča. Macedonians and Belgraders also praise natural beauty and delicious food. 

“I was amazed by nature, greenery, beauty, everyone should be proud of their place here. The food is beautiful, there is an abundance of taste, I have no words ,” says Violeta Gocareva from Ohrid. 

Belgrade resident Mirjana Jakšić says that the nature in Foča is extraordinary. 

“Wonderful people and wonderful nature. This needs to be seen much further, for many more people to see, to enjoy this nature, this air, with good people”, Jakšić was delighted. 

Her colleague from Belgrade Elementary School “Veselin Masleša” Milan Stošić says that he is impressed with Foča, and that this municipality is the epicenter of beautiful events in this part of Srpska. 

“There are no words to describe how beautiful and attractive it is, every day can be filled from morning to night. We insisted, for the sake of the children, to establish friendship and cooperation and to make permanent connections between Foča and Voždovac, so that every year we have gatherings of three sister schools in Foča, Belgrade and Ohrid” , says Stošić. 

The “Drina raft”, a dish of the “Devetka” restaurant, could be said to be the trademark of “Gastro-fest”. 

“It’s our specific dish – veal and pork steak stuffed with prosciutto, cheese and cream, topped with homemade tartar sauce, represents rafts, that is, rafting. We offer a new dish ‘meštrevački steak’, also a steak stuffed with various types of cheese and prosciutto, and the extra charm is given by the topping of local mushrooms, i.e. porcini mushrooms from our region”,  says Miljan Radanović from Restaurant “Devetka”. 

The sumptuous range of delicious “Gastrofest” specialties has been enriched this year with unusual American dishes in the Balkan style, offered by the “Šanti” restaurant. 

“We are developing an authentic line of American dishes, but in the Balkan way, we are known for burgers, gyros, authentic sandwiches and other authentic dishes made mainly from local ingredients ,” says Srđan Ivanović from that restaurant. 

At the “Gastro-fest” flour from Miloš Vujičić’s mill was found for the first time. 

“Currently, I only brought corn flour, and we grind all types of cereals – rye, buckwheat, barley, wheat. It takes a whole day to grind 50 kilograms of flour ,” says Vujičić. 

The agricultural farm of Milan Gagović also presented fruit products this year, mostly apples. Gagović has been giving away apples and brandy to his fellow citizens for several years, which he will do next weekend as well. 

“On this occasion, I would like to inform my fellow citizens that on May 12, on Saint Vasilij Ostroški, which is my birthday, the farm wants to distribute a ton of apples and a hundred liters of brandy to the citizens of Foča. Citizens should call 065/721-477 and it will be delivered to them. We will take one part to the City Square, and one part we will deliver to households,”  said Gagović. 

The expanses of the municipality of Foča are also attractive for hunting tourism. 

Hunting coordinator in the “Bakić” Hunting Association Željko Čolaković says that Foča hunting grounds are famous for the number and types of game – from roe deer, wild boar, bear, wolf, to grouse, chamois and other game. 

“Now grouse hunting is on. Hunters came to us from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, even from Corsica, and currently we have hunters from Croatia,”  said Čolaković. 

The mayor of the municipality of Foča, Milan Vukadinović, says that the “Gastro-fest” is a continuation of the celebration of the Municipality’s Day, which extended the guests’ stay and showed the riches of this municipality – from the National Park “Sutjeska”, the Nature Park “Tara” and rafting on that river, to Sand pyramids and the island of Brioni. 

“All these are great potentials on which we should base the economic growth and development of the municipality, as one of the foundations of future development ,” Vukadinović pointed out. 

Nice weather and lower water levels of the rivers led to a slightly earlier start of the tourist season. 

“The season started in April and our rafters, the biggest providers of tourist services, are satisfied with the number of guests who have come so far. Every year, there are more and more rafting camps, thus the accommodation capacities have increased, as well as the quality of their services” , said Spomenka Popadić, director of the municipal Tourist Organization. 

The offer at the “Gastro-fest” was also presented by the “Sutjeska” National Park. 

From that public institution, they say that all their facilities are ready to welcome the start of the season, and that they hope for a large number of visitors.

Source: akta.ba