Future Cultivators (Youth Advisory Group)


The KULT Youth Development Institute (hereinafter: the Institute) is one of the leading non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which for over two decades has been actively implementing various initiatives aimed at improving the position of young people and creating a society where young people can realize their full potential. On this path, the Institute closely cooperates with all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, other civil society organizations, youth workers, youth officers, young politicians and young people. The mission of the Institute is to develop and advocate legal and other strategic solutions, and to build and strengthen the capacities of associations and authorities in BiH and the region, for a successful and sustainable policy towards young people. The Institute’s vision is an open society in which trained citizens are involved in all decision-making processes in public life.


A youth advisory group is being formed to ensure that the perspectives and needs of young people are integrated into the Institute’s programs and initiatives. Through cooperation, creativity and collective action together with young people, the goal of the Institute is to create and implement initiatives through which youth issues are dealt with in a manner accessible to them and where young people lead a significant part of ideas and implementation, with the goal of a better position of young people in our country. In addition to the opportunity to actively represent young people with their opinions, advice, ideas and actions and influence the status of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the Youth Advisory Group will get a first-hand insight into the work of the Institute, the non-governmental sector, as well as cooperation with government institutions. Also, members will be able to get involved in the work of different departments of the Institute, according to their interests, and thus gain valuable professional experience.

The youth advisory group will consist of 10 young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are elected for a period of one year. The target group includes young people aged 15 to 30, with different educational and professional statuses, including pupils, students, employees, unemployed and volunteers.


  1. Introductory meeting, introduction and planning

The first meeting of the members and mentors of the Youth Advisory Group will take place at the introductory meeting, which will serve to introduce the members, present the calendar of activities and detailed planning and assignment of tasks and responsibilities during the one-year mandate of the members of the Youth Advisory Group.

  1. Joint brainstorming sessions to come up with innovative ideas

The Advisory Group will regularly convene brainstorming sessions with the aim of generating innovative ideas, solutions and strategies to address youth-related challenges and issues. These sessions will encourage open dialogue, creativity and collective problem solving, and will be held online and offline.

  1. Cooperation with different departments of the Institute according to the interests and expertise of the members of the advisory group

Members will have the opportunity to work closely with different departments of the Institute based on their interests and expertise. This joint approach will allow them to gain practical experience, contribute to ongoing projects and activities and explore different areas of youth development.

  1. Monthly meetings with mentors about progress and further guidance

To ensure continued support, learning and development, members will participate in monthly meetings with assigned mentors. These meetings will provide a structured platform to discuss progress, seek guidance and set goals for personal and professional development.

  1. Quarterly general meetings to evaluate achievements and plan future activities

The Youth Advisory Group will convene quarterly general meetings to assess achievements, discuss challenges faced and plan future activities. These meetings will facilitate collective decision-making, foster team cohesion and promote accountability among members.

  1. Final activity with the aim of reflection, teambuilding and celebration of achievements

At the end of their one-year mandate, members of the Youth Advisory Group will have a final activity aimed at reflection, team building and celebration of achievements. This experience will provide an opportunity for members to provide feedback on the overall experience, further connect with colleagues and celebrate their contribution to the Institute and the wider youth community.

  1. Other activities in which members express interest


Members of the Youth Advisory Group must meet the following conditions:

  • That they are between 15 and 30 years old,
  • That they are citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • If they are settled/live in Canton Sarajevo or the city of East Sarajevo,
  • That they are ready to be members of the Youth Advisory Group for the next year.


Interested candidates can apply for membership in the Institute’s Youth Advisory Group via  the link  no later than  August 27, 2024. until 23:59 hours . All applications received after the deadline will not be considered. The institute will inform all applied candidates about the outcome.

Additional information about the Youth Advisory Group and the Public Call for Membership can be obtained via email  filip.jovanovic@mladi.org  or phone number 033 778 765.

The full text of the Public Call is available:  HERE.

NOTE: Expressions that, for the sake of transparency, are given in one grammatical gender without discrimination apply equally to persons of all genders.

Source: mladi.org