Find out which colleges are the most popular among future freshmen, where there are places, and where there are no more places

The situation at the University of Banjluka as far as enrollment quotas are concerned is not alarming at all, because even now there is a minimum of 50 percent interest in each faculty. At the Faculty of Security Sciences, there was 100% interest, so there won’t be another enrollment deadline.

This was confirmed for Srpskainfo by Dario Stanković, a senior expert associate for public relations at the University of Banja Luka, and emphasized that the interest in studying at this university has increased slightly compared to last year.

– 2,065 students took the entrance exams at the faculties of the University of Banja Luka in the first enrollment period, and the plan is for the University of Banja Luka to enroll a total of 2,640 students  – said Stanković.

He explained that these are data without candidates who take the entrance exam at the Faculty of Medicine, but in English.

– It is already evident that a second, and maybe even a third enrollment period will be organized.  The greatest interest this year is for the Faculty of Medicine, psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Academy of Arts, but also the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, as well as the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics  – said Stanković.

Compared to last year, as he emphasizes, there is an increase in the number of people interested in enrolling in the Faculty of Mining, but also the Faculty of Agriculture already in the first term. As for other  faculties , he adds, interest is at last year’s level.

We asked him to comment on one piece of information.

Namely, in the academic year 2015/16. In 2008, there were 6,753 full-time and part-time students enrolled in the first year of the first cycle at public higher education institutions in Srpska. The number of students at the University of Banja Luka is 3,380, and 2,928 at the University of East Sarajevo. That number is much smaller now.  University of Banja Luka in the academic year 2024/2025. 2,640 students enrolled in the first cycle of studies, 1,882 on budget and 381 on self-financing.

– That number is certainly influenced by the number of graduates who graduate from high school in the territory of Srpska.  Enrollment quotas at the University of Banja Luka are formed based on last year’s enrollment and interest from the previous year. If last year there were 100 candidates at a faculty, it is to be expected that this year we will also ask for 100 places and propose to the Government of Srpska to approve it. This is somewhat logical, so that the amphitheatres would not remain unoccupied and the public would not get the impression that the faculties are empty – said Stanković.

According to Stanković, the constant enrollment after two or three enrollment deadlines in the last six to seven years at the University of Banja Luka is around 2,100 candidates.

We must, as he says, be aware of migration, demographic trends, but also the fact that there is another University, but also that there are a lot of students who go to study abroad.

– In addition, students from abroad also come to study here. Most of them come to the Academy of Arts from Serbia, and then there is the Faculty of Medicine, where mostly students come from India – concluded Stanković. He added that there are a lot of students from Croatia at that faculty, while there are not many students from Serbia.

-Students from Serbia who come to study at the public University of Srpska according to the Agreement on Special Parallel Connections are equal to our children who go to study in Serbia. They study according to the same criteria and can enroll on the budget – said Stanković.

At the end of the conversation, he stated the recommendation of the University of Banja Luka.

– The recommendation is that future students who have not chosen their profession and have not taken the entrance exam should see to it that in the second enrollment period these are budgetary positions, in order to fill them – he said.

He added that the University gave all those candidates who successfully passed the entrance exam, but did not find themselves in the appropriate enrollment quota (where there were more interested than the planned number, as was the case in psychology) to enroll in some another study program without retaking the entrance exam.

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