Fashion show “In honor of the year”: Residents of the nursing home delighted everyone in the role of mannequins

The mannequins were beneficiaries of the Old People’s Home in Podgorica, who delighted the audience with their smiles and style.

During the previous weekend, Senior Fest 2024 was held   for the third time in Podgorica, organized by the Ju Dom Starih “Podgorica”.

The goal of this event is to highlight the importance of an active and fulfilling life for all members of the third generation.

A rich cultural and artistic program, various workshops, competitions in chess, darts, volleyball and football for seniors, dance, an exhibition of works created during work-occupational therapies, and nice socializing marked another outstandingly organized Senior fest.

Independence Square also came to life with special energy during this event, where an unusual fashion show called “In honor of the year” by the famous creator Seka Martinović was held.

The mannequins were beneficiaries of the Old People’s Home in Podgorica, who delighted the audience with their smiles and style.

In their statements, they did not hide their satisfaction with the participation.
