Exercising the right to a sustainable return to the pre-war place of living

The municipality of Centar Sarajevo invites all returnees to their pre-war place of residence to apply to the published public call for exercising the right to assistance from the Sustainable Return Program for individual returnees.

The subject of the public call is the allocation of financial assistance with the aim of providing conditions for sustainable return and improving the quality of life of returnees. The public invitation was published on the bulletin board in the Municipality of Centar, in the daily newspaper Dnevni avaz, and on the website of the Municipality of Centar: www. centar.ba in the section “Public calls and competitions”.

Funds in the amount of 55,000 KM, which are foreseen in the Budget of the Municipality of Centar for the year 2024 for assistance in sustainable return, can be used to solve the infrastructural problems of returnees, who on April 30, 1991 had a place of residence in the place of return, and co-finance projects individual returnees, such as rehabilitation of non-conditional residential and auxiliary buildings, for the purchase of agricultural machinery…

The text of the public call lists the general and special criteria that the applicants must fulfill, as well as the necessary documentation that must be attached. All requested statements, certificates and certificates must be certified and must not be older than 30 days from the date of publication of the public invitation. Applications with the requested documentation can be submitted in a sealed envelope in person to the protocol of the Municipality of Centar or by post to the address: Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, Commission for the selection of beneficiaries and the distribution of funds to assist individual returnees for the purpose of sustainable return (Mis Irbina 1 – 71000 Sarajevo). with the indication “Application for public call for assistance from the Sustainable Return Program for individual returnees”. On the back of the envelope, it is mandatory to write the applicant’s contact information. Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.

The public call remains open for 30 days from the date of publication. The mentioned funds will be distributed in accordance with the Rulebook on establishing conditions, criteria and procedures for selecting beneficiaries and distributing funds to help municipalities, religious institutions and individuals for the purpose of sustainable return. Additional information can be obtained at the following telephone numbers:  033/562-353  and  033/562-449 . The committee for selecting beneficiaries and distributing available funds to help individual returnees for the purpose of sustainable return will, according to established criteria, make a point list of candidates that will be submitted to the municipal mayor, who will make the final decision on the allocation of funds for sustainable return. 

Source: centar.ba