Established platform e – Business assistant RAŽ Žepče

As part of the “From Beginner to Winner” project, the “e-Business Assistant” platform was established as part of the website of the Start up Academy. The platform is intended for young entrepreneurs, start-up companies, MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises), diaspora, potential investors and all those interested in starting their own business in the municipality of Žepče.

The aim of the platform is to facilitate the start and development of business by providing free services such as:

  • Getting answers to questions: Users of the platform can ask questions related to establishing and running a business. You will receive answers to your questions sent through the platform within 48 hours.
  • Scheduling meetings: It is possible to schedule meetings with employees of the Development Agency, who provide support to entrepreneurs as part of the Center for Investors.
  • Information on current public calls: The platform offers up-to-date information on all available public calls for financing and support for entrepreneurs.
  • Additional services: In addition to the above, the platform also offers a number of other services, such as education and mentoring.

Registration on the platform is free and available online on the website:

The project “From beginner to winner” – From beginner to winner is supported through incentive Grant funds allocated by the Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts and the project “Better governance to faster economic growth” (EGG2), which is financed by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and implemented United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
