Elementary music school “Rezonanca” celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert

Tonight, in the cinema hall of the National University, a concert was held by the music school with public rights “Resonanca” Konjic, where the students of the school showed their skills by performing compositions on the violin, guitar, piano, as well as a performance. The concert was held as part of Konjic Town Day.

At the beginning of the concert, the director of the school, Biljana Handžo, greeted all those present, and after that, Luka Rajić, a long-time friend of “Resonance” who helped the work of this school in various ways, spoke. Prominent entrepreneur Luka Rajić, originally from Konjic, has been helping his hometown for years to create more comfortable living conditions for its residents, and “Resonance” has great support.

primary music school "resonanca" celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert
Elementary music school “Rezonanca” celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert

At a concert with Orhan Tucović, Mayor Osman Ćatić’s chief of staff, Mr. Rajić presented diplomas to this year’s school graduates on his behalf.

primary music school "resonanca" celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert
Graduates of OMŠ Rezonanca

The students of the school who achieved exceptional results at the federal competition this year also performed at the concert.

primary music school "resonanca" celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert
Rijad Kadic

This year, Ajdin Sultić and Zina Ivković received the “Ragib Habibija” award, the highest award from OMŠ “Rezonanca”, which was presented to them by Mirna Habibija Sultanić.

primary music school "resonanca" celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert
Award winners

At the end of the concert, Luka Rajić handed Biljana Handžo a check in the amount of 100,000 KM for “Resonance” for the purpose of the school’s students and teachers’ trip to Vienna, which is planned for September this year.   

primary music school "resonanca" celebrated its fifth anniversary with a concert
Delivery of the check

The Children’s Choir also performed at the concert, and a film was shown about the performances and achievements of the school’s students in the past period.

Source: radiokonjic.ba