Compete for the “iF” award for social impact

The “iF Design Foundation”  offers the opportunity to finance projects from several fields that solve socially relevant problems through the iF Award for Social Impact, with  a prize fund of 100,000 euros . 

The winning projects will be displayed on  the iF Design site , where they will have unlimited visibility. In addition, the winners will receive support in communication, networking and feedback from the jury.

Non-governmental organizations, companies, foundations, social enterprises, design studios and entrepreneurs can apply to participate in the competition. The project must already be established or implemented, and male and female students are not eligible. Each participant can register the same project a maximum of two times.

How to apply

You can apply by creating  an iF account , filling out the application form, attaching two photos and a short description of the project. After filling out the form, confirm the application by clicking on  “Publish Your Project” .

Application deadline:  13.09.2024.

More information at  the link .
