City of Konjic: Apply for assistance to small businesses

The City of Konjic has issued a public call for the allocation of financial resources to small businesses to remediate the consequences of a natural disaster in the area of ​​the city of Konjic.  

Only small business entities with their headquarters or a separate business unit in the city of Konjic, and who meet the following conditions, can apply for the public call:

   a) that they suffered direct damage as a result of a natural disaster,

   b) that they have a business headquarters or a separate business unit in the area of ​​the city of Konjic, which is  

    affected by a natural disaster.

(2) The following do not have the right to submit an application to the Public Call:

  1. public enterprises, public institutions, banks and other financial organizations, insurance companies, sports betting and business entities whose activities include games of chance, public institutions, administrative bodies, local self-government bodies and units, business entities whose bank accounts are blocked, business entities whose main activity code includes agriculture.  
  2. Business entities that have not settled their obligations based on public revenues or do not have a signed agreement on deferral of payment (contributions for PIO/MIO and health insurance and unemployment insurance until 30.11.2024.

The total amount of financial resources for the implementation of the public call is:  200,000.00 KM. 

More details, application form on the official website of the City of Konjic:
